Bleeds No More with TruCare Nano Silver Toothpaste...

Are you familiar with the expression 'you are what you eat'? As much as I would like to agree with that statement, food that you consume doesn't really define who you truly are from my perspective... It's how you take care of yourself and people around you that speaks volume of your true character. Beside taking care of your body and appearance, are you aware of another form of impression that you give to others? Many of us taking it for granted but do you know how important oral care really is?

Very very important indeed! Your tooth needs your tender loving care as much as any other parts of your body. Oral problems such as toothache, bleeding gum, ulcer, bad breath and weak enamel (just to name a few) not only can cause you tremendous pain, it can also leads to a lot more serious condition. You don't want that, don't you? With sensitive gum like mine, it's very crucial for me to find proper tooth care that can both treat and protect me from dangerous gum disease.

Thankfully, TruCare - Nano Silver Toothpaste come at the right time and place. With it's silver sleek packaging, it's no surprise that it's formulated using Nano Colloidal Silver, which is actually micro size silver particles that widely used in medical industry (wound dressings, creams or as an antibiotic coating on medical devices) due to its ability to kill various forms of bacteria. Another key ingredient in this toothpaste is Ag+ RapidHeal Factor that works to combat microbes and pathogenic organisms.

By using it regularly, TruCare - Nano Silver Toothpaste can improve and accelerate the healing process of ulcers and other oral problems resulting in not only fresher breath but can also rids your mouth from potentially harmful bacteria. The skeptic in you must be saying, other regular toothpaste can serve the same purpose too, right? After trying it myself for 2 weeks, I can definitely see that my gum doesn't bleed as much and I'm loving the fresh minty after taste that can last me for hours ❤_

If you're still unsure whether this toothpaste can be the answer to your tooth problems, afraid not ladies, you can trying it now for free @_@ Visit TruCare Malaysia website here or FB Page here to register for the free sample. You can also purchase TruCare - Nano Silver Toothpaste from selected dentist, local pharmacy or via online at introductory price, RM9.90 per tube for a limited time only. Until we see each other again, take a good care of your teeth & gum ladies, adieu~

Goodbye Blackhead with Ciracle Pore Control...

How do you feel when you look at your close up photos and see lots of blackhead making a rather unwelcome appearances? I really really hate it when its happened! Sometimes I wish I can get rid of it for good and scrub my nose way too hard to express my frustration... Thank god my nose doesn't suffer much from my angry episode, hehe =P 

That was before I met an alternative to my painful blackhead removal method, Ciracle Pore Control Blackhead Off Sheet. It doesn't irritate my skin and easier to work with compared to the other similar products that I've tried previously. Now, I actually looking forward to my weekly anti-blackhead ritual =)

STEP 1 : 
Extract the blackhead-off sheet from the jar with the tweezers.

It's quite different from the typical pore strips you normally find in the local drugstores. The sheet helps to gently removes not only blackhead but sebum, dead skin and whitehead too.The special formula helps soften the skin and pull any waste products to the surface and out through the pores. It's also not limited to the nose area only and can be used on any area of the face as well. Each jar comes with 30 sheets, a manual and a small tweezer to help you extracting the thin cloth-type sheet easily.

STEP 2 : 
Stretch the sheet evenly to fit your target area.
After extracting the sheet, you have to stretch it until the shape transform into an oval so it can be placed easily on the nose. If you plan to use it on your chin or other section that have severe blackhead problems, you can also stretch it according to your face contour to ensure that the natural plant ingredients can penetrate deep into your skin. This will help assisting the blackheads, dirt and whitehead removal especially in the presence of blocked pores. 

STEP 3 : 
Leave the sheet on for about 15 minutes for maximum results.

After stretch and placing the sheet on your nose, leave it for 15 minutes to let it works its magic. You may feel a tingling sensation when using it for the first time. This is normal and works to signal you that dead skin cells are being removed. Just make sure that the sheet don't dry up and stay moist even after you taking it off. Here's a little tip, to retain longer lasting moisture, you can try wrapping the area with cling film or plastic wrap.

STEP 4 : 
Remove the sheet and use a clean cotton swab to wipe away the elevated blackheads.

Next, remove the sheet and use clean cotton swab to kiss the blackhead goodbye. You'll notice a brown-ish residue on the swab which indicates the dirts accumulation. You can finish off the whole process by rinsing the area with clean water. If you want to enhance the release of blackheads, try rinsing your face with warm water or use a steamed towel on the face to open up the pores beforehand.

My verdict? As much as I would like to share my disgusting blackhead pictures in this post, I don't wanna risk losing your appetite after seeing it =D Honestly, my nose feels so much cleaner and better after using the sheet regularly, you can trust me on that! Retail at RM58 per jar, I think it's quite affordable in my book =) To learn more about this product, kindly visit Ciracle Malaysia website or their Facebook page. Until we meet each other again, have a fantastic weekend lovelies, adieu~

Travelin' & Healin' @ MIHTE 2013...

Medical Tourism, I believe is a concept that's still foreign to me and lots of Malaysian out there. I have to admit that the first thing that crossed my mind when I heard of it was actually plastic surgery! We read stories of people going abroad for their 'nip & tuck' procedures almost everyday, but do you know that medical tourism is so much more than that? The possibility is endless and realizing that, Malaysian Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) organized their 2nd Malaysian International Healthcare Travel Expo (MIHTE 2013) at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre on 20-22nd October 2013.

MHTC, an initiative by Ministry of Health Malaysia is the primary government agency to develop and promote the healthcare travel industry in Malaysia besides positioning Malaysia as the travel healthcare destination of choice in the region. MHTC is not only the promotional arm of the government, it's also responsible to assist healthcare travelers and provides a medium for their members in the healthcare travel industry in Malaysia to flourish.

Dr Mary Wong Lai Lin, the CEO of MHTC in her opening speech welcome delegates from all over the world who participate in the MIHTE 2013 and introduce them to some of Malaysian local attraction besides the affordability of our medical treatments and procedures compared to USA, UK and Singapore. The huge potential that we have is definitely an additional edge that placed us among the Top 10 Healthcare Travel Destination in the World.

Soon after, Mr Peter Greenberg - Travel Editor of CBS News in his key note address focus on the health industry scenes in USA which embracing the idea of seeking their medical needs while traveling to other country to nurse themselves back to health. The rise of popularity of medical tourism also contributed by major organization policy which always look for more economical alternative for their staff. For example, a Total Knee Replacement Procedure in Malaysia cost approximately USD12,000 while in USA the average cost is about USD58,000.

Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato' Haji Muhyiddin Haji Mohd Yassin who lauch the MIHTE 2013 event that day also emphasized on the government effort to encourage the rapid growth of the industry by providing proactive and business friendly policies besides promoting conducive environment for healthcare services development. Malaysia will also continue to strengthen the medical standard and quality healthcare to target foreign investors to our country in the healthcare manufacturing and services sectors.

Following the success of last year expo, MIHTE 2013 attract exhibitors from Malaysian top medical centre, hospitals, 5 stars hotels, resorts, luxurious spa, alternative treatment, travel agencies, health sanctuary and so much more. With the huge turns out, MIHTE generates business inquiries and prospects for several industries such as healthcare facilities, travel & tours, accommodation, insurance & finance, wellness, seniors living and also multinational corporation.

Tung Shin Hospital

Thai Odyssey

Golden Horses Health Sanctuary

Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur

JW Marriott

MIHTE 2013 proved to be a great platform for the local businesses to spread their wings to a larger market and widen their customer base. Interested to participate in next year event? Visit MIHTE official website here or MHTC page here for more information. Until next time, stay healthy ladies, adieu~

p.s : photo credits to MHTC FB page & Plusizekitten 

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