[Tips & Tricks] Wuthering Heights...

I'm so tempted to write about Emily Bronte's - Wuthering Heights but afraid not this post have nothing whatsoever to do with her masterpiece, hehe =P When you're happened to be the shortest one in the family (I'm only 5'1" btw) you learn early in life that looking tall especially in a picture is very crucial!!! Pictures after all tell a thousand words, you don't wanna looked back at your old memories and cringe, don't you?

As you already knew, there are no secret potions that can make you grow inches in a short period of time... Just a little DO's and DONT's that I learned and practised over the time through my observation and experience =) It's not exactly brain surgery so I guess you can pretty much apply it whenever it suits you and let the illusion do the trick, wink2

It's the fastest and easiest way to make you look taller instantly =) My favorite definitely is slingback heels; it makes me feel taller, hotter and sexier, hehe =P Any type of heels actually will do, as long as you have the confidence to walk the walk ^_^ 


Nude shoes may look plain and boring but thanks to Tyra Banks (who open up my eyes to the power of nude during one of her shows couple of years ago) I don't feel that way anymore!!! If you still have no idea what I'm talking about here, nude shoes (nude heels would be the best) is another great way to trick people vision into believing that you have longer legs. Try it if you haven't, you'll love it I bet =)

Black is another color that you can used to your advantage... Whether it's your tops, pants or both, black have the magic to make you look leaner and taller just like that ^_~ Wear all black for the full effects and you'll look like a mysterious lady that's just gain height instead of weight, LOL

Here is another trick that I learn from Tyra, she really love it when one of her girls doing this kind of pose because according to her, it gives the impression of never ending limbs, hehe =P The truth is, I do it all the time to hide my weird looking thighs, LOL I have no idea it will elongate my legs if Tyra didn't mention it, hee~  

Good posture not only can help maintaining a healthy body and mind, it's also a great way to positioning your body towards it's best potential. Practising the right posture while standing and sitting can create a taller and lankier you in the long run. It's not too late to start now girls \\^_^//

This one is a pretty straight forward tips for you girls =) As you can obviously see here, when I wear the same print with my Kurung, I appear statuesque and so much taller than my real petite frame, yeay!!! Outfit too can be deceiving, don't you think? hehe =P

Illusionist usually trick your eyes by leading your attention elsewhere before wowed you afterward... The same tactic applies here when you accentuate your best feature!!! You'll indirectly let others focus their sight on your fabulous parts instead of your not-so-skyrocket height, genius isn't it? In my case, I love to showing off my waist since it happened to be the only body part that never let me down, LOL

 I think I should rephrase the title above; avoid photographed next to someone so much taller than you!!! I can't help myself, it's so rare to meet not one but two of my beauty icons, Annie and Maggie Ford Danielson from Benefit Cosmetics ❤_❤ I learned my lesson but didn't regret it at all, at least now I can prove that I already met these wonderful ladies @_@

If you told me 5 years ago that skinny jeans will be all the rage, I'll probably laugh it off and say you're crazy, LOL It took me years to appreciate the beauty of skinny jeans and now it's one of my favorite fashion piece ever!!! It creates the illusion of slimmer and longer legs beside hugging all my flab at the right places, weeeee~

Finally, the most important thing to make or break your picture girls is your attitude!!! The right kind of attitude will make you soaring high even just in a photo =) The wrong one of course will make you look smaller than you actually is... My photo above here for example can make you think of all sort of things but my 5'1" height right? @_@ Give a little bit of attitude in your poses and let the picture do the talking, wink2

Hopefully my random tips and tricks post today won't bored you all to death, I know I will if I see my face all over the page, hehe =P Happy trying everyone and let me know if the tips work for you too ^_~ Till then, adieu lovelies ❤_❤

Up, Close and Personal with Awal Ashaari, Liyana Jasmay & S4...

Let's talk about celebrities for a change shall we? Here's the truth, the close-est encounter I ever had so far looks like very far indeed, LOL It's in a concert to be exact, where there's no real interaction whatsoever, sigh~ Thanks to Samsung Malaysia and Manoah Consulting; me and 7 other bloggers were given a rare chance to get up, close and personal with Malaysian media darlings; Awal Ashaari (actor/tv host) and Liyana Jasmay (actress/singer) ★_★

We talk about lots of stuff (I'm not gonna kiss and tell, wink2) but the highlight of the day definitely is Samsung Galaxy S4; the latest addition to Samsung smartphone family =) The cool features of this phone are endless, you really have to see it to believe it!!! Awal and Liyana not only shared their latest news with us, they also enamored us with their passion for Samsung gadgets as well, what's not to love right? ❤❤❤

One of Awal's favorite function from Samsung Galaxy S4 is their S Health. He needs all the help he can get in order to stay physically fit and healthy, I'm sure all of us need this kind of personal trainer too, hehe =P It can track the amount of calories in your food intake from just a photo of your food and monitor your calories burning activities from your movement via walk mode or exercise mode!!! It can also be your personal weight watcher, blood pressure monitor and not to forget the comfort level feature that any health freak would appreciate and love ^_^

Besides hosting Melodi every weekend, Awal is currently involve in a few acting projects and commercials with his lovely wife, Scha Al-Yahya. He did showed us his softer side during the interview... What can I say, he is truly a romantic guy at heart, big sigh~ Back to his projects, most of it will be aired during Eid this August, so keep your eyes peeled ladies =P

Liyana on the other hand, very much like every other girls in the world; falling hard for the Samsung Galaxy S4 13MP camera quality that can take fabulous photos in any lights... Of course that's not all, this camera also come with Dual Shot function that can take picture from both sides (front & rear camera) simultaneously unlike any other smartphone camera. This feature really come in handy especially when she's interacting with fans and media, I'm not surprised if she start collecting pictures of her fans after this, hehe =P 

Right now Liyana is working on her latest single, Jujur music video and her production company - Mermaid Studio baby; "NYCinta" which will be airing soon =) Don't missed it guys!!! I took the chance to ask her a little about her musical influences and direction since she's very animated when talking about her music, something that I can totally relate to especially when you're very passionate in what you're doing 

Talking about music, Awal & Liyana demonstrate another cool features from Samsung Galaxy S4 for us that day which kinda make me wish I own S4 myself just to join the fun, sob2 T_T The Group Play function allow you to share your music with your nearby friends that own S4 wirelessly and play the music together without the aid of speaker, perfect for party and private events!!! It's so fancy and hip especially for the younger crowd who love the attention and entertainment =) 

Of course my star gazing moment won't be complete without photos of me with these celebrities, wink2 Awal is so tall and cute, I really have to pick the right spot to make sure he didn't steal my limelight, haha =D  He's prettier than me you know, with dimple and everything, enough to make any guy turns green with envy, LOL  

Liyana is so nice and easy to deal with; and yes girls, she's even prettier in person =) Now I get what made men falling head over heels for her... Her personality really brighten up the atmosphere throughout our interview session!!! I really have a good time that day rubbing shoulders with both of them, thank you again Samsung Malaysia and Manoah Consulting for the opportunity  Till then, have a nice day everyone ^_~

True Blood @ Faceworks Clinic...

Vampire to me is more than just a popular myth... I don't usually admit this but ever since I watched "Interview with a Vampire" decades ago, I always believe that they're a very unique and beautiful creature that are both wiser and more humane than human ourselves. Although most of my peers would probably beg to differ, I don't see why we can't learn a thing or two from them, right? They obviously live longer and looks prettier~

To celebrate my 29th birthday last month (yes, I'm that old =P) I decided to take my fascination for vampire to another level and doing something adventurous instead, wink2 Thanks to Faceworks Clinic, an establish luxurious medical aesthetic clinic located at Pamper Floor, Starhill Gallery and their lovely aesthetic physician, Dr Maryati Maharon; I'm one step closer to be in the same league as my favorite vampire with their Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment or as Hollywood dubbed it "The Vampire Facial" 

Curious much? Well, PRP is not exactly news in the medical fields. It has been widely used in orthopedics, stomatology and reconstructive surgery in the past 10 years. It was first introduced in Europe to enhance and restore areas which requires volume such as acne scars, wrinkles and lines, cheeks, cleavage, and so much more... It's also known as a natural filler because you're using your own DNA and blood for this treatment, isn't it cool? The best thing is, there are no risk of allergic reaction guarantee, yeay!!! Below is a simple diagram on how PRP treatment is done that I found online =)

Before I start writing about my PRP journey, I shall warning you that the pictures you're about to see were not meant for the fainted heart, hihi =P It's scary, messy, ugly and full of blood or so I thought when I saw Kim Kardhashian doing hers in her TV show few days before the treatment. The reality however is so much different from her version, it's either she's being overly dramatic as usual or her doctor was not as good as mine, which is still a big mystery to me, hmmmmm~

Back to my treatment, I know I was in a good hand during my consultation with Dr Maryati. She explained thoroughly about the procedure and recommended PRP to help improving the appearance of my acne scars. As you can clearly see, my skin is far cry from perfect, I have deep acne scars that has been around for years and still bug me every now and then, sigh~ In order to begin my PRP treatment, I had my makeup removed with cleansing oil by Dr Maryati and she kindly left my eyeliner alone which definitely make me look a lot more civilize than I'm supposed to, LOL

Soon after that, a topical anesthetic cream was applied to my whole face to help people with low pain threshold like mine to deal with the pain, hehe =P It took about 30 minutes for the cream to fully absorbs and I find the numb feelings was rather amusing since I never really have it plastered all over my face before =D

While waiting for the cream to works it's magic, I was entertained by the very friendly Faceworks Clinic's staff and Dr Maryati herself who shared some of her beauty knowledge that both shocked and surprised me at the same time, wink2 Thanks to Fatin and Nani, I have fabulous photographers helping me documenting my PRP journey right from the very beginning without missing a thing, they even take photos of me signing my consent form, hehe =P Thanks girls, hugssss ❤_❤

Next, Dr Maryati withdraw a small amount of my blood (about 8-10cc). It's pretty much like any routine blood test I used to see in regular medical check up. The blood collected were then put in a sterile RegenLab PRP tube where it will be centrifuged immediately. I'm not really afraid of needles, but they had cutely prepped me with plush toys and doll to comforts me, which is a very sweet gesture indeed =)

See the tubes of my blood? I was told I have a very nice veins by doctors all the time... Vampires will definitely have a field day sucking up my blood, lol The centrifuge work by separating out the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells in a specific way to generate a platelet rich plasma to be used for this treatment.

The RegenLab centrifuge machine isolating blood components successfully through spinning and rotating the tubes inside in a certain period of time (10 to 20 minutes) to create a good definition between the red blood cells and the plasma. The platelet rich plasma that visible from the process will be carefully withdraw using a syringe before it can be apply at the problematic areas.

Wonder how the separated blood element looks like? The platelet rich plasma appear pretty much like a jelly texture in a close to nude shade. It contains fibrin, a natural blood protein and platelets (part of the blood that is responsible to stop bleeding). Platelets also contains growth factors, protein which signal cells in your body to produce or reorganize collagen and developing blood vessels.

Next, the platelet rich plasma will be extracted carefully using a syringe before it will be applied at the selected part of my face. Since Dr Maryati is very experienced with the procedure, it took her less than 5 minutes to get it done and here's where the fun begin!!!

According to Dr Maryati, she's using a micro needles gunlike gadget; Dermaqueen to majority section of my face to distribute the PRP evenly and will only injected the PRP directly to areas that require extra attention. Honestly, I'm dreading this stage the most especially after I watched Kim Kardhashian screaming non stop during her PRP procedure. Strange but true, I found out later that the micro needles was not painful at all, it feels very much like a ticklish sensation instead, hehe =P

The injections method however was a little more painful than the micro needles. It targeted specific areas that were harder to reach using the previous technique and more problematic than the others. The pain was still bearable though, I manage to keep my cool throughout the entire procedure better than I expected, phew~ Thanks to the numb cream, it feels practically nothing compared to the facial extraction that I've been to before which still made me cringe whenever I think about it, arghhhh~

Last but not least, Dr Maryati applied a cooling mask to the treated areas and she also leave me with a lavender soothing eye mask to complete the procedure. The mask feels wonderful against my skin, soothing and refreshing at the same time, with a scent that can lulled any human being into a deep sleep, hehe =P

The only downside of this treatment is your skin will looked a little swell and slightly red after the procedure. Don't worry though, it will fade away before you know it and can be easily covered with makeup =) Since PRP provides a natural looking improvement using your own body capacity for repair and generation, the effects can only be seen after 2 to 3 weeks from the treatment.

And after 3 weeks, I do noticed a very obvious result with my skin texture and condition. I get lots of compliments and questions about my new and improve skin @_@ As you can see from my latest pictures below, my acne scars appear less pronounced than before and my skin definitely looks brighter & healthier =)

Did I get your attention yet? Quickly make your way to Faceworks Clinics, Starhill Gallery for consultation or visit their website here for more information. You can also check out their FB page here for updates on their latest promotions. Till then, show off your fangs and keep your blood to yourself, hehe =P 

Foxy Brown with Samsung...

The color brown has always been associated with "boring" and "safe"; statement that I can't wait to put to rest... I mean, look at Chris Brown, Dan Brown or the late James Brown, all of them are anything but ordinary right? Let's not forget the unique taste of brown sugar and brownies, I don't think it scream "plain" or "bland", more like edgy and foxy (if you get what I mean, lol)

Well, brown to me represent a certain quality that I knew I have deep inside of me, a quite confidence that speaks volume without uttering a single word. Can you see it through my brown eyes? It's subtlety challenge you to come and unearth the secrets that I keep... I'll just let my brown eyes held you captive and do the talking, wink2

Brown is also a shades that have many sides to it, it can be bold, tame, naked and glam; just like my favorite brown eyeshadow collection from Urban Decay Naked palette =) The different hues of brown give me an endless ideas to experiment with, if you think brown is "lame", maybe you need to think again!

It never fails to amaze me how influential a color can be. Brown for example always reminds me of my wonderful family and their unconditional love for me It is also happened to be the color of my two best buddies, Mr Teddy and Mr Rock Star ★_★ This explained my fixation towards people with brown color personality, they radiate warmth in a way that nobody can't... 

The beauty of brown definitely didn't go unnoticed with Samsung. Their bestselling smartphone; Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is now available in another mesmerizing limited edition color, Amber Brown to celebrate the growing interest for a timeless and elegance gadget that suit both women and men without compromising their fantastic design @_@

The awesome traits of the brown shade such as strong, reliable, sophisticate and sensible definitely match Samsung Galaxy Note 2 characteristic with their various functions, cool features and attention for details!!! Perfect as a gift for your loved one, it symbolize a warm and loyalty that money can't buy, just like a friendship and love that defy time ❤

If you're a big fan of brown,
Ladies & gentlemen please don't frown;
You can be the talk of the town,
 With the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 in Amber Brown ★_★

Available only for a limited time, grab it now at your nearest Samsung outlet before it's too late!!! You can also feast your eyes and get more information about Samsung Galaxy Note 2 at Samsung Malaysia website here guys =) Before I go, check out this cute video from Bryan Lim, isn't it sweet? How I wish someone will do that for me, sigh~


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