[Tips & Tricks] High School 101

Just like most of you late bloomers out there, I going through my teenage years feeling awkward, unpretty, self conscious, insecure and the list goes on and on and on... I spend so much time dwelling on my body issue/skin issue/unrequited love issue and trying very hard to fit in that I kind of forgot to be my fabulous self, enjoying the moment and have tons of fun!!! What a waste, right?

That's pretty much why I don't really talk about my high school experience ever, it's not really something I feels like sharing with others and honestly, quite depressing to even revisit the memories, sigh~ If only I can say something to my 15 years old self, I probably gonna knock some sense into my head and teach myself these surviving high school tips & tricks instead...

Open up your mind and see the world through different perspective. There's so much more to life than your high school time and most of the successful people don't even mourned over their uneventful teenage years. Learn and be inspired by their life story and try to apply it in your situation rather than overthink about your dilemmas and stress yourself even further. People like Steve Jobs or Nick Vujicic don't really overcome their hardship overnight or born with a silver spoon in mouth so cut yourself some slack once in a while because it's actually okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from it =)

Yes, the grass might look greener on the other side but trust me, there are millions of people out there dying to be in your shoes and living the life you got. So be thankful and count your blessing because you never knew when it will be taken away from you. You might think that you have the worst time ever during your high school, the truth is you will be moving on to another chapter of your life soon enough and all of the painful experience will be a distant memories before you know it, wink2

Surround yourself with positive people and those who make you happy instead of people that radiates negative energy and aura. You need to be around friends or family who you love (and love you back) & genuinely care about you because those who are not, tend to drag you down with their misery rather than raising you up and looking out for your best interest. Happier girls always look the prettiest so be happy and let your inner beauty shine through *_*

Last but not least, you have to learn how to love yourself first before anyone else. Chasing after boys might sounds so much more interesting but you don't really need a boy to make you feel beautiful. The right kind of man will swept you off your feet and definitely worth the wait so stop wasting your time thinking about your so called love life and focus on loving yourself instead. 

The best way to start your self loving journey is of course by taking a good care of yourself. You'll not only feel comfortable in your skin when you take the time to indulge and pampering yourself, you'll also feel a lot more confident to face the day. Besides eating right and working out; I cleanse, tone and moisturize my skin every morning and night with Clean & Clear 3 Step products to help with my combination oily skin. 

It's so easy to use, effective to keep acne at bay and very affordable too. I love that I don't have to worry about excess oil and touching up my makeup every now and then anymore... Finally it's possible for me to stay shine free throughout the day all thanks to Clean & Clear Essential range. Can't believe why it took me so long to figured it out, I should have discovered it earlier and save myself from feeling like ugly duckling while in high school!!! Here's how my skincare routine looks like :-

Firstly, I cleanse my face by using Clean & Clear Essentials Foaming Facial Wash and work it into a rich lather and massage it in circular motion all over my face minus the eye area. I really love how fresh and clean it makes me feel and the scent is quite pleasant as well. Besides that, it's also oil free and didn't clog pores too!!! I just can't wait to start and end my day with it every morning and night, definitely a beauty must for all girls with combination oily skin ^_^ 

Next, I'm using Clean & Clear Essentials Oil - Control Toner with cotton pads to remove the remaining impurities around my face and neck area to prevent pimples, oily shine and blackhead. The toner works deep down in pores to control oil and keep all the skin problems away. I really like the fact that it doesn't leave my skin feeling tight at all after every use and how great it is when it comes to removing my dead skin especially on the neck area, I just can't get enough of it @_@

Soon after that, I apply the Clean & Clear Essentials Moisturizer evenly on my face and neck to nourish it while helping to treat my skin. The texture is very light, barely feel against my skin and not greasy at all like most of the moisturizer I tried before. My skin feels very well moisturize and hydrated no matter how harsh the weather is. I even wear it on my hands and my feet too sometimes n_n 

Basically yes, high school is not really a nightmare to live with for the rest of your life. I really hope I can somehow change the way I see it years ago and make the most of it like how its supposed to be... I have grown into a confident woman and loving myself even more ever since, I just hope all the girls out there won't have to deal with self doubt like I do during those time and this post can somehow help them to know that high school is not everything. Life will get better and better over time and there's no point to be sad and ruin your teenage days. Until then, have a great weekend lovelies, adieu~


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