In the Buble...

March had been very kind to me so far, I had won myself few contests in this month alone and the biggest highlight of course was winning the tickets to Michael Buble show last week @ Stadium Malawati!!! When I received the call from Warner Music, I'm beyond ecstatic and rendered speechless because I never really thought I'll win, I just entered the contest for fun without any expectation at all...

I felt extremely lucky because not only I won 2 tickets worth RM850 each, I also got Buble's latest CD, Crazy Love Hollywood Edition, ^_~ At first I thought I won the VIP seats (due to a little confusion on my part), but I'm more than happy with the seats I got which obviously I can't afford with my current paycheck, sob2 T-T

Anyway, that night I tried to come early to avoid bad traffic, the rainy day didn't help much either but we managed to arrive just in time before the show started and catch the opening act by local jazz singer, Najwa Mahiaddin (yes, she's the TPM daughter =P)

I never heard her sing before and that girl really blew my mind away!!! Her songs are quite catchy and cool, I can't help but loving her, you rock girl!!! =) She entertained the audience for almost 1 hour before Mr Buble took his turn and start the show at 8.35pm.

He begin the show with Cry Me A River, a very2 good choice on his part, it's also one of my favorite... And all the 9,000 crowd can't stop shrieking and screaming when the very talented Mr. Buble finally show up on stage!!!

He dazzle us with his amazing vocal. his aura and also the fireworks, we can't hardly take our eyes of him!!! When he sing, he really2 sing from his heart and with deep emotion, I got goosebump everywhere and I'm not even cold that night, that's how good he is!!! =)

We were seated at the right side of the stage so I'm having difficulties to capture great pics; thank god there is a giant monitor on the right side of the stage for our viewing pleasure, so I didn't felt that bad, hee~

Buble mainly sang songs from his latest album such as classic like Crazy Love, Georgia on My Mind, and Heartache Tonight (just to name a few) besides his other hits like Feeling Good, Haven't Met You Yet, Everything, and also Save the Last Dance. Unfortunately he doesn't sing his latest single, Hollywood and his previous hits, Sway which I really2 hope he will =(

Anyway, his charm and sense of humor really2 worth all the troubles going through the rain and bad traffic, wink2 I can't stop laughing at his jokes and yes, if he's not a singer he do have a very bright future ahead of him as a stand up comedian, hehehe x)

His love and admiration for his band can be clearly seen when he introduced them to the crowd complete with their family background and personalities, and he never forgot to thank them repeatedly which shows how very remarkable person he is, unlike lots of big star out there who barely care about anothers...

He also took a little time to sign autographs and shake hands with his lucky fans before heading to the center podium and mesmerized us with his acoustic version of Home... His adoring fans including yours truly can't keep ourselves from singing along to the beautiful melody and get lost in the moment... It's really2 was a breathtaking scenery, how I wish I could re-live the moment again and again!!!

The best part in the concert however was when Buble tried to impersonate Michale Jackson; it's really2 funny, he's pretty gifted dancer himself and constantly doing his sliding moves and even singing in higher pitch to fully imitated Michael Jackson's voice, it's definitely cracked up all the audience and leaving us wanting more!!! n_n

To my delight, he also sang the Glee theme song, Don't Stop Believing and Disney's classic, A Whole New World, it's super duper funny and hilarious, I do took a video of it but due to my non stop laughing, the video turn up shaky and I can only hear my voice on it, hahaha =D

The lights, effects and drama in this concert certainly deserved a standing ovation too, everything went smoothly without a hitch and in-sync with the performances ^_^

The existence of an Audi car on the stage however strange it is (Audi is one of the main sponsor of this concert btw) didn't steer out our attention from the man of the night, Mr Buble himself and the balls that had been thrown all over the stadium too, keep the audience in playful mood through out the night and let us all losing ourselves to the Buble spell, wink2

After more than 10 songs and almost 2 hours later, the show finally had came to the end... Buble end the night with Song For You, a song he sang without the aid of microphone and chilled us all to the bone!!! All 9,000 fans go all quiet and surrender ourselves to the Buble's haunting voice~ It's something you have to see it to believe it moment, and I can't believe the fabulous night is finally over...

KL actually is the last destination for his Crazy Love Tour - Asian Leg before he ties the knot this April... What can I say, his soon to be wife is definitely a very lucky woman, she get the complete package, a man who can serenade and fascinate her, not to mention good looking and amazing!!! @_@

Before heading back home, I didn't missed out the opportunity to took pics at the Audi's promo booth and bought some of Buble's merchandise for keepsake... =) It's a very fun and fantastic show which I never ever dream I can be a part of in million years!!! Thank you so much Warner Music for your generosity, I love love love the concert so very2 much!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Indonesian Treat...

When it comes to food, I'm not as adventurous as I would like myself to be... I'm a very picky eater, and tend to choose only dishes that I'm feeling comfortable with... Indonesian food isn't really at the top of my favorite dishes list... I tried Ayam Penyet and Bakso before but it doesn't really suit my taste bud...

Bumbu Desa @ Level 4, KLCC ^_^

So, when my parents suggesting us to try out the new and improve Indonesian restaurant @ KLCC, Bumbu Desa, I'm not that thrilled... My parents actually want to re-live their dining experience when both of them went to Bandung last year... Since me & my siblings didn't join their vacation, my dad want us to share at least their love for Sundanese food with us...

Bumbu Desa serves variety of authentic Sundanese and Padang food for Indonesian food lovers with a very reasonable price. The restaurant usage of the word "bumbu" which means "spice" didn't really live up to my expectation since most of the dishes are not as spicy as I'm hoping for. But they deserved some credit for the very cozy ambiance and the unique decoration they have besides their fascinating 12 meters long table display with more than 30 dishes to feast our hunger and our eyes, wink2

cute lamps =)

open space but still feel cozy and relaxing @_@

Among the restaurant's signature dishes are the Sundanese specialities such as Sundanese Ayam Laos dish (which is similar to chicken curry), Ayam Cabai Ijo and Terong Bumbu Desa Pedas. Besides that, they also have Padang dishes such as Ayam Pop, Sambal Goreng Udang and Gulai Talapia. The dishes here are specially prepared by Indonesian chefs to ensure the customer will experience the authentic Indonesian taste and flavor at their restaurant.

We don't try out much of the dishes since we all were having big breakfast in the morning... They have a few special beverages but only one that really caught my attention, which is the Orange Coconut Juice (mixture of both juices which taste a little weird but not that bad actually =P)

my drink of the day; orange coconut juice x)

We also tried the Ayam Bumbu Desa (it's pretty similar with Ayam Goreng Berempah, which didn't really impressed me much), Rendang Daging (my favorite dish so far, it's a little sweeter than Malaysian Rendang but I kinda like it), Sayur Daun Singkong (I don't like it), and also Udang Tusuk (it taste okay but lack of spices I think~)

the rice served in a special "bowl" *_*

our main dish; Ayam Bumbu Desa

Sayur Daun Singkong

Rendang Daging

Udang Tusuk

Last but not least, my dessert of the day, Haagan Dazs Strawberry ice cream courtesy of my daddy, hehehe =P My overall verdict; I still didn't like Indonesian food but this place really worth a try for food hunters and lovers out there, it's not spicy enough for me but I'll probably come again for their Rendang Daging and the Orange Coconut Juice, heee~

my dessert, Haagan-Dazs Strawberry ice cream, wink2

Top of the Pop...

Ever heard of Topshop? Of course you do right? But what about The Topshop Makeup??? I'm not sure all of you can say the same... Well, it's been around for quite sometime in UK but only available in Malaysia, end of last year... Over here you guys can check it out @ Topshop KLCC, the stock there is limited but still worth a look for all you makeup freak out there, wink2

Topshop makeup ^_^

My first purchase from Topshop Makeup range as you can view from the pics below is not that much but I'm so happy with everything I bought @_@!!! In case you have no idea what drawn me to their makeup line, the most obvious reason is definitely their price range; some of the stuff they have here even cheaper than drugstore makeup brands, cool isn't it??? and if you have fast forward membership, you even get additional 10% discount, definitely a bargain I can't refuse @_@

My first Topshop makeup haul n_n

The cheap price tag however didn't compromise the quality of the products and it even come in a very cute packaging, yeay !!! What's not to like, right? So, I bought 2 kohl eyeliner in coal (black) and pewter (silver), a duo eyeshadow in smoulder (purple/black), a lip polish in rhubarb (red) and a blusher in pinch(red).

Not to mention the little detail they have that most cosmetic brands seems to overlook... They attached
a little mirror to the blusher and lip gloss packaging, ngee~ =) I really2 love that!!! ^_^ Can you guys guess how much I spend for my first Topshop haul??? It's all cost less than RM150, average around RM30 for each item which I think quite a steal for all the stuff I got here, yippie~ \\^_^// Go grab them fast girls before it's too late, ^_~

The cute packaging really2 seal the deal, heee~ =P
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