Indonesian Treat...

When it comes to food, I'm not as adventurous as I would like myself to be... I'm a very picky eater, and tend to choose only dishes that I'm feeling comfortable with... Indonesian food isn't really at the top of my favorite dishes list... I tried Ayam Penyet and Bakso before but it doesn't really suit my taste bud...

Bumbu Desa @ Level 4, KLCC ^_^

So, when my parents suggesting us to try out the new and improve Indonesian restaurant @ KLCC, Bumbu Desa, I'm not that thrilled... My parents actually want to re-live their dining experience when both of them went to Bandung last year... Since me & my siblings didn't join their vacation, my dad want us to share at least their love for Sundanese food with us...

Bumbu Desa serves variety of authentic Sundanese and Padang food for Indonesian food lovers with a very reasonable price. The restaurant usage of the word "bumbu" which means "spice" didn't really live up to my expectation since most of the dishes are not as spicy as I'm hoping for. But they deserved some credit for the very cozy ambiance and the unique decoration they have besides their fascinating 12 meters long table display with more than 30 dishes to feast our hunger and our eyes, wink2

cute lamps =)

open space but still feel cozy and relaxing @_@

Among the restaurant's signature dishes are the Sundanese specialities such as Sundanese Ayam Laos dish (which is similar to chicken curry), Ayam Cabai Ijo and Terong Bumbu Desa Pedas. Besides that, they also have Padang dishes such as Ayam Pop, Sambal Goreng Udang and Gulai Talapia. The dishes here are specially prepared by Indonesian chefs to ensure the customer will experience the authentic Indonesian taste and flavor at their restaurant.

We don't try out much of the dishes since we all were having big breakfast in the morning... They have a few special beverages but only one that really caught my attention, which is the Orange Coconut Juice (mixture of both juices which taste a little weird but not that bad actually =P)

my drink of the day; orange coconut juice x)

We also tried the Ayam Bumbu Desa (it's pretty similar with Ayam Goreng Berempah, which didn't really impressed me much), Rendang Daging (my favorite dish so far, it's a little sweeter than Malaysian Rendang but I kinda like it), Sayur Daun Singkong (I don't like it), and also Udang Tusuk (it taste okay but lack of spices I think~)

the rice served in a special "bowl" *_*

our main dish; Ayam Bumbu Desa

Sayur Daun Singkong

Rendang Daging

Udang Tusuk

Last but not least, my dessert of the day, Haagan Dazs Strawberry ice cream courtesy of my daddy, hehehe =P My overall verdict; I still didn't like Indonesian food but this place really worth a try for food hunters and lovers out there, it's not spicy enough for me but I'll probably come again for their Rendang Daging and the Orange Coconut Juice, heee~

my dessert, Haagan-Dazs Strawberry ice cream, wink2


  1. okay i nak try later...i nampak ari tu kat Curve...but since u said price is reasonable so mau try.

    I miss Bandung :(
    nak makan Sup Buntut Goreng hahahah

  2. u ni same je dgn my mum, asyik teringat dgn bandung food je, hehehe =P price dia ok lah 2 me, affordable utk gaji ciput mcm i ni, hahaha =D

  3. the food is nice here, but i find the price kinda steep here. Mayb is authentic indo food that's why.

  4. maybe we didn't order much that day so i think the price is not that expensive... but for me who is not a big fan of indonesian food, i think the place is okay la, hee~

  5. sunguh x sesuaii.. Haagan-Dazs Strawberry ice cream.. bukan indonesian style nih...Hahhaha..

  6. hahaha, tau x pe, mmg lari trus diet ntah ke mane, hee =P

  7. mcm tu okay jugak utk gaji ciputut macam i jugak..hahahah...oh okay so the trick, jangan order macam orang kl pegi bandung lah.okay, got it ;)

  8. hahaha, kalau order mcm org msia g bandung, mmg lingkup la kite ni jdnye, kene tukar profession jd tukang cuci pinggan kat ctu, hee~ =P


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