Time traveler's wife...

 I heart Rachel McAdam's & Eric Bana, ^_^

Although I never admit it, I'm actually hopeless romantic at heart, I love romantic movie especially when it's about the unrequited love... The sappier the movie, the more I love it... I love to cry over a movie especially if the hero is gorgeous, hahaha =D

Anyway, I'm very2 excited to watch this movie since it's one of my all time favorite book n_n If you already read it, you'll know why I said so, wink2
I dont want to ruin all the suspens by giving blow by blow details here, maybe after I watch it, I'll do a little comparison of the book & the movie for you guys, @_@

Some of you may not really into reading, so if you're looking for a heart wrenching romance, go book your ticket now with your love one this weekend... If this movie adapted the novel perfectly, I'm sure all of you guys won't regret it... I can't hardly wait to watch it myself, with lots of tissue of course, hehhehe =P


I'm currently lusting after The Daisy Rock guitar range which specially made for girls who still doesn't want to grow up like me, heeehee ^_~ I'm sure those who young at heart will definitely love their stuff too...

They not only sell all kind of guitars, they also sell guitar picks, straps, cases, bags, scamp amp, cable, apparel and even purses + totes, @_@ So kawaii and adorable, I lovin it very2 much, \\^_^// For more Daisy Rock, you can check out their site here ^_~

cute design to drool over, hehehe ^_~

It's Just The Season...

my emotionally disturbed pose, huhu~

Lately things doesn't really going well for me, too many deaths, heartache and strings of bad luck happened... I wish I have the ability to take it all away, play pretend everything will be okay and carry on with being my usual self... But I can't keep fooling myself, it's eating me alive to act like it doesn't affected me at all... How I wish I can erase everything, walking straight and never look back... Do you feel the same way too??? Is it me or it's just the season???

Rock with me...

When you combined 2 of my favorite things together (cosmetics + guitar), you surely had me at hello (Renee Zellweger's words in Jerry Maguire, remember??? hehhe =P) The Anna Sui's latest fragrance definitely caught my eyes with guitar-like bottle in my favorite color, purple, and also cute bag designed in guitar shape with diamante as a freegift, @_@ How can i resist all that??? The answer is of course I can't, hehehhe =P

I'm sure this is not Agyness Deyn one and only perfume ads, and I never understand her 80's style anyway but Anna Sui certainly good at promoting their stuff... They given out lots of cool freebies with any Rock Me purchase + makeover (which I rather pass since I hate to ruin my already rock chic's makeup, hehehhe =P)

I bought 30 ml Rock Me perfume + eye color accent in dark purple + liquid eyeliner in black and get mascara + oil control fluid + pore minimizer + Rock Me miniature & sample + cute bag as a freegift... Me likey @_@

This perfume I think actually targeted to teenagers who are in their rock star wannabe phase, coz it's way too girly to my taste and I don't think rockers wear this kind of perfume, hahaha =D I never considered myself as a rock star by the way, so who cares, I can always use it when hanging out with my girls, hehehhe =P Anyway, don't get suck in with the ads and promo if you're not a fan of girly scents, buy this if you're looking for gift and present, it'll be just perfect ^_^

Crush and bent...


Since I've both Benefit's Benetint and Stila Cherry Crush right now, of course the next thing I do is comparing them as soon as possible ^_^ Both claimed to be lip/cheek stain, but after using them myself, I can tell you that it can only served certain purpose only =(

Benetint, in terms of consistency, is quite sheer + light and perfect as a cheek tint. The applicator also made it easier to apply and give your cheek a very natural blush. It also last through out the day and hardly need any touch up... However as a lip tint, Benetint failed to deliver it promise because the brush is so damn hard to used on the lips. I have to resort to another alternative by using other brushes in order to get the result I desired. It's very drying on the lips and it have rose scent which annoyed me to no end, huhu~

The tint swap...
Benetint (left) Cherry Crush (right)

Cherry Crush on the other is thicker and harder to blend... I've to blend it first on my hand before apply it on my cheek, which stain my hands forever, huhu~ It lasted for sometimes but I need to touch up from time to time, =( As a lip tint, I'm lovin' it, @_@ The applicator is awesome (just like lipglaze), it smells like cherry (I like ^_~) and it create a very lovely natural pink colour that suits me well, it doesn't last long on my lips though but since I love using it so much, I don't really care about it...

The verdict??? If you looking for a cheek tint, Benetint is the perfect answer... It last forever, easier to blend (as long as you are fast and furious, hehehhe =P) and waterproof for any cheek kissing activities ala Hollywood, hehehhe =P For a lip tint, Stila Cherry Crush definitely the best, u got rose bud lips that looks so natural with lovely cherry scent and its so handy to bring anywhere... n_n

It bugs me that both of them are good in one department only (at least for me, huh~) and both of them are not exactly cheap I must said, I definitely allowed to have higher expectation and hopes... This is my 3rd and the last Cherry Crush I have and from now on I got to learn to make do with Benetint to survive, arghhh~ =_=

Good GIrl Goes Bad...

Last weekend probably the most fun I had in a while... Spending it with shopping + gossiping + fooling around with my bff which I haven't met for almost 2 years surely something worth mentioning about, right??? Big thanks to Mr K who made all our plans and arrangement possible, we definitely have a very awesome weekend, hehehhe @_@

Eventhough my feet hurt like hell from walking for 12 consecutive hours around KL in my highest heels, we both definitely don't let it deterred our mission, wink2 ^_~ After finished with all the shopping and browsing, we spend the night hanging out with our college buddies, catching up with each other, trading embarrasing and stupid stories that we used to do (hehehhe =P) and also remembering our friend, Ayie who have left us forever... (may he rest in peace, amin~)

I don't have many pictures to share with, just a little glimpse of our hauls and yummy breakfast we had, hehehhe @_@ I will try to upload the rest later when I manage to find my phone USB cable... Huhu~

mine was Escada perfume which I adore very2 much coz it smells so sexy, @_@ my bff bought PH perfume whom she heart and I still wondering why, hehehhe =P

breakfast in bed from Cupcake Chic, nyum2 @_@

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