Right On Time @ Shopbop.com...

When I came across Shopbop.com couple of months ago, I've set my mind to search for my ultimate bags in this post [here] and not too long after that, I had a change of heart and start looking for my wedding stuff which you can read more about it [here]. I couldn't make up my mind yet at that time and coincidentally days after that my watch stop working and I have to find the perfect replacement as soon as possible cause I can't hardly function without one, sigh~

Wedding Bells @ Shopbop.com...

Honestly, when I start brainstorming ideas for my wedding I felt so overwhelm by the amounts of details and work that I have to attend to... It's exhausting, time consuming and involve lots of money as well, sigh~ So if you're planning to get married anytime soon, you should start browsing and searching now because trust me, time will never be enough when it comes to wedding preparation =_=

Shopaholic's Dreamworld @ Shopbop.com...

When you have fashion statement pieces with you, did you noticed that all your imperfection seems to fade away into the background? At least that's what happened to me everytime I'm using my beautiful Kate Spade's Jeanne bag, wink2 So if you're contemplating whether you should invest on designer bags or not, I would definitely say go for it!!! My only advice is, be smart about it by choosing the right platform for your purchase. You can save a lot from buying online but then you have to consider the expensive shipping charge to Malaysia as well, sigh~
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