[Tips & Tricks] Bewitched...

This weekend, we are celebrating my youngest sis birthday with a little twist, instead of eating out, we have a little magic show, performed by non other than yours truly a.k.a me, heehee =P I always fascinated with magicians, no matter how lame their tricks is, hahaha =D So, for my sis bday, I'm giving her the magician starter kit which I'm too embarrassed to buy for myself actually, wink2... This is of course, the only trick that I can mastered in such a short time, so let me bewitched you with my magic wand, abacadabra~ @_@

1) I'm holding my magic wand with all my fingers...

2) I'm concentrating hard and try to give my right hand extra energy...

3) Tadaaa, the wand had magically stick out by itself~ clap3x

p.s : I'm not gonna reveal the secret behind my magic trick, as we all knew, true magicians never reveal their secret, hehehe =P (I'm sure you guys can definitely figure it out if you look at the pics close enough, wink2) I can't help wondering how my students will react if they can see my tricks, I truly miss them, sob2 T-T


  1. Alah I tau trick magic nie, heheh~ but i dunno if your trick and my trick is the same??? I learned it from the magician that came to my primary school to do magic show when I was a kid.

    Speaking of magicians, I think Cyril is one cool magician, no? Coz all those 'creepy looking' magicians (cough,cough, David Blaine) is so off-putting!

  2. I know.u guna jari telunjuk from ur tangan kiri to hold it kan???

  3. hanna : hahaha, i'm so yesterday... i have to learn new tricks after this, gambate!!! @_@ I like Cyril too, he's kind of charming n cute, wink2

    harim : hehehe, shhhhhhh~ n_n

    anonymous : unfortunately, my lame attempt to mesmerize everyone doesn't really work, isn't it??? hahahha =D

  4. Totally! ^_^

    He's one cool dude and charming (at the same time)magician who successfully stole my attention, in a good way. ;p

    Magicians yang lain sme cam poyo je. Balik2 msti ade hot girls in skimpy costumes. Hot guys in loincloth xde plak???

  5. hanna : noty2 u ni, hehehe =P kalau nak hot guys dgn loincloth u kene tgk 300 la, hahahha =D

    asna : alaaa, mane tau ni??? hahahha =D


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