Love is All Around...

I know that my birthday had passed like centuries ago, but unfortunately, like my other posts, I'm too lazy to blog about it, heehee =P This year I got probably the best birthday presents ever, thanks to all my lovely family and friends for making my 26th years of living, a very happy2 year indeed, wink2

presents from my family, x)

This year I got 5 cute La Senza lacey hipsters from my sis, Zura =), she definitely know how much I heart my knickers, wink2 From my sis, Atiqah I got a very sexy chic red Vincci's purse that I adore so much, @_@ arigato gozaimaz sistah, ^_~ My mum gave me money which I later used to bought something that I've been eyeing for quite sometimes, Bobbi Brown's Oil Free Foundation + MAC Prep & Prime Lip Primer, love you mama n_n And from my daddy, I got a brand new bookshelve + cabinet to fit in all my books collection, and it match my guitar color too, thanks to my daddy, now my books have a new home, heehee =P

gifts from my close friends, n_n

My bff for more than 10 years, Deya had given me something that make me flying over the moon... She knew everything from Benefit & Stila will drive me crazy, so this year she gave me Sugarbomb to add to my Benefit collection, thank q so much babe, muahsss ^_~ My wondergirls - Stacy & Mieza gave me a brooch set for my kebaya (I heart all my kebaya okey, heehee =P) and a cute pillow for my car, thanks girls for the thought, wink2 And from my gossip girl a.k.a confidante, Ani I got accessories set in purple, which consist of necklace, bracelet, brooch and earring, thank you dearie~ @_@

pressies from my blogger friends ^_~

I also got couples of birthday pressies from my blogger friends whom I met and knew because of our mutual love for Stila whom I befriend ever since =) We trade gossips, beauty information and even secrets sometimes, wink2... It's been a bless to knew this girls throughout these years and I really2 thank god I met such a wonderful bunch of people, ^_^

Anyway, I received my first ever Chanel lip gloss from Miu2 chan, thank you so much girl, I love it very2 much, heehee =P From Cuna and her husband Meor, I got my first Lancome ombres palette in a are very2 lovely shades of green, it even matched my "baju raya", thank you Cuna & Meor, I'm lovin' it!!! n_n

From Harim, I got the last piece of my limited edition Melinda Looi's Shu Uemura lashes!!! She even go all the way to persuade Miu2 plotting and planning to surprise me, I've been punk'd by both of them but it's very2 cute indeed, thank you Harim, I heart the lashes so freakin' much, @_@ Lastly from Hanna, I got a cute makeup compartment filled with Bonnabell's black eyeliner + Sephora's mini lip glosses + NYX blusher and Victoria Secret's lip gloss... Practically my first taste of everything, thank you honey, it's very2 thoughtful of you, I'm so excited to tried something that isn't available in Msia yet, hihihi x)

Last but not least I got a very2 unusual gift from my bf, he knew I've a weakness for guitar players, so he definitely know how to impress yours truly, hehehe =P He made a special video of himself playing and singing my favorite song from Switchfoot exclusively for me, ngee~ I can't hardly keep my eyes of him, he's quite good, wink2 I'm so tempted to post the video here but since it's for my private view only, I rather keep it that way, wink2 Thank you sweetheart n_n

Thank you everybody who go to all the trouble to make my birthday a very joyful celebration this year, I cherish every single gifts I got and love all of you for your thought and kindness ^_^ I'm very grateful to knew such a wonderful people like you guys and to know that no matter what, I have your love all around me, I'm being dramatic I know but it's true you see, I have the best parent, siblings, bff, my wonder girls + gossip girl + blogger girls + bf in the world, heehee =P Love you guys so much, muahssssss @_@


my book haul - I'm lovin' it, ^_~

I only planned to grab couple of books @ BookXcess, Amcorp Mall today but the stock just arrived and lots of books definitely caught my attention... Anyway, this is my second visit to BookXcess, what I can say is, they really know how to impress bookaholic like yours truly, wink2... I love the extra touch like the free bookmark with every purchases and the 10% discount for card members... God know how stingy MPH and Kinokuniya can be, huh~

This time around, I bought a Sephora makeup guide book (for my friend upcoming bday) + 2 Madeleine Wickham books (also known as Sophie Kinsella) + Cupcakes recipe books (for a friend) + Creative Card Design book (for my little sis) + 2 Dorothy Koomson books (I've read her books review and curious to know whether her work could live up to my expectation,wink2) + Greg Iles - The Devil's Punchrowl (he's genius, one of the best in fact ^_^) + Jimi Hendrix biography (his more than a musician to me, he's legendary n_n) + Tess Gerritsen's thriller (for my sis) and last but not least, Marley & Me movie tie-in (it's a bargain I can't refuse, hee~)

I'm very very excited with my haul and can't wait to come again!!! Thank you sweetie for your treat, love u dear, muahssss ^_~

Arabian Princess...

After having my free facial @ 128 Faubourg Salon by Sothy's as mention in my previous post here, I still got lots of time to kill before meeting my friends... So, I'm thinking of treating myself with manicure & pedicure session but unfortunately every nail parlour at Bangsar Village 2 were fully booked at that time...

I'm bored and there's no bookshop nearby so I'm just wasting my time checking out all the stores in the shopping mall... And then I came across a very unique entrance to a spa name "Hammam" and follow my curiosity to enter this place... It have a very intimate and sort of mysterious feels, I'm instantly fascinated and captivated...

entrance to the mysterious sanctuary =P

Suddenly, I remembered I read about it here back in August in Miu2's blog... The spa name "Hammam" actually referred to Arabic word which means spreader of warmth... This spa were inspired by famous Turkish Bath with a Moroccon twist... They used lots of unique ingredients from all over the world for the treatment worthy of Arabian's princess such as henna, huile sacre, seaweed citron, alum crystal, rose argile, and so much more...

luxurious oils from all over the world ^_~

I'm having a hard time to pick which treatment I would love to try the most and thank god they were having special Ramadhan promotion at that time and I made my mind immediately... It's a very2 good deal which not only includes their popular treatments but also additional stuff too for only RM250 :- - Purifying foot scrub with ginger & tea tree dead sea salt (with 26 healing mineral) - Hammam (bath) & Gommage (scrub) with tea tree black soap - 1 hour massage with Orange & Geranium oil - Bois de Rose face and foot massage

- Hibiscus & Lemon Tea (for those who were not fasting)

the Ramadhan's package n_n

I'm a little nervous at first because I knew this is not like the typical spa I've been before... You'll be treated like a queen (like in medieval era) when everything from getting a shower, get dress and even combing your hair will be done by hired help for you... But it's soon forgotten when I stepped into their changing room...

They giving out a set of fancy robe, paper bra and panty for me to change... Despite the traditional interior, the lockers are quite hi-tech with cool magnetic opening which can be open with a special water resistant bracelet given earlier upon my sign in... I started to feel very very excited and adventurous, hehehe =P

hi tech locker for all your stuff & belongings @_@

the tiny changing room~

When I told you guys this spa is not like the typical spa, I really meant that in this spa, there is one lady assign to do your bidding, she will shower you, soaping you body, shampoo-ing your hair, scrubbing your whole body and massage you too... So, you'll be practically naked in front of the lady most of the time... 

I never feel more exposed but strangely, this experience makes me felt quite confident with my body like never before, hahaha =D The Hammam & Gommage session are very interesting since the last time I checked it, only my parents have showered me before, it felt a little weird and funny but I like the fact that someone will attend to my every wish and need, wink2 @_@ 

The special black soap they used make it more easier to remove all the body dead cells when the scrubbing session took place... Its not for the sensitive skin however because its quite painful but you can always ask the lady to be more gentle... 

After Hammam & Gommage, I was taken to the hall for the Purifying Foot Scrub treatment... It's taken all the edges from wearing 3 inches all day from me while waiting for available room for my massage session... The hall as you can see from this picture below is decorated beautifully with a blend of traditional and modern interior... I love the cozy chairs and the warm mode they have here, its felt so homey and relaxing n_n

the mesmerizing hall =)

And soon after my foot scrub, I was escorted to the massage room... They also offered special packages for couple with more luxurious and fabulous room, this info will definitely become handy when I get married later, heehee =P 

In this package, they have chosen mixture of orange and geranium oil for me, so the masseuse lathered a generous amount of the oil to my body... The oil smell is very2 soothing and refreshing, I kind of like it =) I choose the Swiss massage technique because I can't handle the painful traditional massage very well and I'm glad I did, it's one of the best body massage I ever had!!!

After finished with the massage, I was escorted again to the hall for the Bois de Rose Face and Foot Massage, the treatment concentrated on crucial points in face and foot to help relax the muscles and make you more energized and radiant... This is a great finishing end for the whole spa experience before I'm heading for another agenda...

I'm giving this spa 5 out of 5 stars for the royal treatment and great services, I'm eager to come back again and suggesting this spa for those feeling like pampering yourself silly or maybe if you want to feel like a queen =) This spa also provided special package for bride to be, mother and daughter, couple and even open for a party, cool isn't it??? ^_^

So check out this spa if you're in the close proximity of Bangsar and you can always ask for the current promotion since the Ramadhan's package is no longer available or you guys can opted for another similar package, My Favorite Concubine (hammam & gommage + massage + body polish) ... Till then, love yourself and treat yourself once in while because you absolutely worth it, wink2

Face Off...

I'm not usually this lucky, but maybe it's about time I experienced this winning streak, hehehe =P If you still wondering what the hell I'm talking about, well most my dear friends already knew, If they didn't, I definitely made it my mission to let they knew, wink2 Anyway, the not so fresh news is, I won SHAPE's magazine contest for 2 consecutive months, heee~

It almost hard to believe but I'm very2 happy and thrilled that my hard work squeezing my brain for the best slogans finally paid off, hehehe x) I won facial & neck treatment from 128 Faubourg Salon by Sothys (Shape May'10 issue) & also La Senza voucher worth RM200 (Shape June'10 issue), yeay ^_^ !!!

I wish I had taken the pics of my La Senza's haul though but unfortunately I don't, but if you guys curious about what I bought with the RM200 voucher, here's the hint :- it's hot pink with bling2, wink2 (it ryhmes, n_n)

The 128 Faubourg's treatment is definitely something to die for, minus the rude beautician, everything else were totally live up to it's name (they won several awards internationally ^_~) I feel thoroughly cleansed, pampered and relax =) It's a little expensive than the normal facial rate but it's really2 worth it!!! @_@

They offered lots of different packages which tailored to suit your skin problems and concern... As I have oily, acne prone skin, it's a good thing I won the Deep Cleansing Facial Treatment, yeay!!! =) The beautician suggested me to do the treatment every 3 weeks and introduced several Sothys products for me to try at home...

They didn't allowed their customer to take pictures in their premises so I only managed to snap few pictures when the beautician leave me alone to change, huhu~ I'll let the pictures do all the talking ya, wink2

lucky me ^_^

the 128 Faubourg's salon @ Bangsar Village =)

the little locker for clothes *.*
(I've no idea why they ask me to remove all my clothes, It's only facial btw, huhu~)

the space for shoes/handbag/stuff n_n

picture of tranquility @_@

sneak peak on the products used for the treatment ^_~

foot bath session before the treatment, me likey =P

the very inviting bed, hee~ x)

The treatment took about 2 hours which I'm having a hard time to remember all the details since I'm dozing off most of the time, heehee =P

I'm giving their salon 3 out of 5 stars not because I dislike it, but it's because of the rude beautician which I think act that way due to my free of charge treatment, huhu~ it's fine by me because now I won't ever feel tempted to come again and I can save money to buy other stuff instead, hahaha =D

Anyway, thanks SHAPE magazine for both prizes, it's definitely made me very happy for a long long time, luv ya ^_~

Books Haven...

book-a-licious ^_~

I know I should have study for my midterm exam instead of hanging out at bookstore and spending money again but shopping for books also considered as study in my dictionary, hehehe =P Anyway, I was introduced to BookXcess by a blogger friend, Kitty, thank q so much girl for the info and I've been stalking their facebook page eversince, hehehe =P

In case you guys didn't know or never heard of
BookXcess before, they are selling overprinted books with lots of discount around 50%-70% from the retail price!!! ^_^ But the stock is quite limited, it's on first come first serve basis, so you must be extremely alert and fast, wink2

Anyway, I went for my first BookXcess @ Amcorp Mall visit last Saturday, and OMG, I almost going crazy looking at all the books and the price tag!!! For the first time ever, I just took every books I want without even thinking, hehehe =P Thank god, everything is within my budget and I got more than I'm expecting, yeay!!! @_@

As you can see from the above pic, I managed to grabbed 3 Bobbi Brown's books (for my friend bday & for myself n_n) + DSLR guide book (for another of my friend bday ^_^) + American Classic Car - Ford Mustang history (for my bf - he's a big Mustang fan ^_~) + Natsuo Kirino's & Alice Sebold latest book + few chic lit + The Duchess movie tie-in =)

I absolutely love everything I bought & excited to stocking up again after my midterm, hehehe =P There are so much more books out there still waiting for me, wink2
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