Love is All Around...

I know that my birthday had passed like centuries ago, but unfortunately, like my other posts, I'm too lazy to blog about it, heehee =P This year I got probably the best birthday presents ever, thanks to all my lovely family and friends for making my 26th years of living, a very happy2 year indeed, wink2

presents from my family, x)

This year I got 5 cute La Senza lacey hipsters from my sis, Zura =), she definitely know how much I heart my knickers, wink2 From my sis, Atiqah I got a very sexy chic red Vincci's purse that I adore so much, @_@ arigato gozaimaz sistah, ^_~ My mum gave me money which I later used to bought something that I've been eyeing for quite sometimes, Bobbi Brown's Oil Free Foundation + MAC Prep & Prime Lip Primer, love you mama n_n And from my daddy, I got a brand new bookshelve + cabinet to fit in all my books collection, and it match my guitar color too, thanks to my daddy, now my books have a new home, heehee =P

gifts from my close friends, n_n

My bff for more than 10 years, Deya had given me something that make me flying over the moon... She knew everything from Benefit & Stila will drive me crazy, so this year she gave me Sugarbomb to add to my Benefit collection, thank q so much babe, muahsss ^_~ My wondergirls - Stacy & Mieza gave me a brooch set for my kebaya (I heart all my kebaya okey, heehee =P) and a cute pillow for my car, thanks girls for the thought, wink2 And from my gossip girl a.k.a confidante, Ani I got accessories set in purple, which consist of necklace, bracelet, brooch and earring, thank you dearie~ @_@

pressies from my blogger friends ^_~

I also got couples of birthday pressies from my blogger friends whom I met and knew because of our mutual love for Stila whom I befriend ever since =) We trade gossips, beauty information and even secrets sometimes, wink2... It's been a bless to knew this girls throughout these years and I really2 thank god I met such a wonderful bunch of people, ^_^

Anyway, I received my first ever Chanel lip gloss from Miu2 chan, thank you so much girl, I love it very2 much, heehee =P From Cuna and her husband Meor, I got my first Lancome ombres palette in a are very2 lovely shades of green, it even matched my "baju raya", thank you Cuna & Meor, I'm lovin' it!!! n_n

From Harim, I got the last piece of my limited edition Melinda Looi's Shu Uemura lashes!!! She even go all the way to persuade Miu2 plotting and planning to surprise me, I've been punk'd by both of them but it's very2 cute indeed, thank you Harim, I heart the lashes so freakin' much, @_@ Lastly from Hanna, I got a cute makeup compartment filled with Bonnabell's black eyeliner + Sephora's mini lip glosses + NYX blusher and Victoria Secret's lip gloss... Practically my first taste of everything, thank you honey, it's very2 thoughtful of you, I'm so excited to tried something that isn't available in Msia yet, hihihi x)

Last but not least I got a very2 unusual gift from my bf, he knew I've a weakness for guitar players, so he definitely know how to impress yours truly, hehehe =P He made a special video of himself playing and singing my favorite song from Switchfoot exclusively for me, ngee~ I can't hardly keep my eyes of him, he's quite good, wink2 I'm so tempted to post the video here but since it's for my private view only, I rather keep it that way, wink2 Thank you sweetheart n_n

Thank you everybody who go to all the trouble to make my birthday a very joyful celebration this year, I cherish every single gifts I got and love all of you for your thought and kindness ^_^ I'm very grateful to knew such a wonderful people like you guys and to know that no matter what, I have your love all around me, I'm being dramatic I know but it's true you see, I have the best parent, siblings, bff, my wonder girls + gossip girl + blogger girls + bf in the world, heehee =P Love you guys so much, muahssssss @_@


  1. haha, alas, the truth has been unfold :D

  2. hehehe, the truth is finally out there, wink2

  3. waaa weee...bestnye tgk ur besday pressies...i'm glad dat u like dat palette. lps ni blh la letak EOTD kat sini ;)

  4. thankq so much cuna, i mmg suke sgt2 Lancome palette tu, i x pnh ade green eyeshadow before, the shades sgt2 gorgeous, i loike ^_~ i segan la nak wat EOTD, x pro lg, hehehe =P


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