Hunting season...

it's free & easy ^_^

What would you do in the middle of the month and you don't have enough money to shop??? Well, it's time to hunt for the freebies, yeay!!! I'm very2 lazy when it comes to hunting freebies but thanks to Hanna, who inspired me to start collecting freebies, I have at least reason to visit shopping mall again, weeeee \\^_^// (without have to pay anything of course, wink2)

Estee Lauder Parkson KLCC SA's is quite generous as usual, and gave me quite a lot of samples to try on, thanks sweetie =) I also redeem a facial & samples from Isetan KLCC Origin's counter, thanks Hanna dear for the voucher, wink2 Also not to forget, the magic cream from Lancome, Genifique tube sample, I'm lovin' it very2 much =P

For Hanna, I redeem on behalf of her the 7's Simple wipes & lens solution from Cleo magazine since she's now at Yong Peng, Johor... (it's full size, quite impressive, don't you think??? @_@) I see lot's more at Guardian KLCC up for grab for Cleo reader, go fast girls!!! n_n

I love all the freebies I scored this time around & excited to hunt for more, can't wait for my next hunting season, wink2


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