Be A Selfie Flasher with Alcatel ONETOUCH Flash...

If you asked me what is selfie 4 years ago, I’ll probably think it has something to do with food or maybe a brand new x-games that I’m not aware of but nowadays, even a toddler can understand perfectly when you say “let’s take a selfie”, hehe =P Like the rest of social media enthusiast, I loveeeeee selfie especially when I’m all dress & doll up =) I’m sure you love it too, right? Unfortunately, my editing skills is far cry from expert and my selfies always ended up looking like a fail experiment, sigh~

When I heard that ALCATEL ONETOUCH, come up with their custom made selfie smartphone for selfie addict like me, you can’t imagine how excited I must be feeling!!! Widely known all over Europe & United States for their high quality handset and successful collaboration with reputable brands, ALCATEL have put their name not only with its products strong features but as a reasonably price smartphone in the market as well.

If you’re wondering what sets ALCATEL ONETOUCH FLASH apart from the other smartphone, I guess I should begin with it’s awesome high resolution 5MP HD front camera13MP Full HD rear camera and 5.5 inches HD screen!!! It’s definitely a quality that all selfie addicts praying hard for when it comes to smartphone…

And that’s not all obviously, it’s also have a built in Smart Beauty Enhancement feature that can help making all your selfies looks picture perfect without using any other application, isn’t that cool? Best of all, you can share the selfies faster without the hassle of editing the photo in a 3rd party software. If design and fashion is your concern, afraid not because your ALCATEL ONETOUCH FLASH can transform into various looks and persona with custom made skin from Hydraskin !!!

Did I mention about ALCATEL ONETOUCH #BEaFlasher campaign? It’s all about embracing the culture of expressing yourselves through selfies which I’m more than happy to be a part of!!! There’s no better way to flash your uniqueness throughout the world than selfies and I choose to flash my fast and furious side with go-kart =) Quite a flashy statement don’t you think, wink2

Interested to learn more about ALCATEL ONETOUCH FLASH? You can check out their official site to find out more about the campaign, contest and the latest promotions at the links below!!! ALCATEL ONETOUCH FLASH is now available at nationwide for only RM699 with free flip cover & screen warranty care plus. It is a must have for all selfie lovers out there ❤_❤ Until next post lovelies, have a wonderful week ahead, adieu~

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