Getting WOW @ Digi WWWOW Awards

Digi WWWOW Awards is back again with a bang this year so social media addicts, get yourself ready to vote for your favourites!!! If you have no clue what the awards is all about, you definitely miss out a lot; it's Malaysia's only Internet for All Awards which based on 100% user generated entries to showcase the incredible creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurialism of ordinary Malaysians using the internet in extraordinary ways to inspire others.

As a social influencer myself, I love the idea of sharing my insight, my passion and a little bit about my life with my followers. I find it very fulfilling when you’re not only able to share your interest with someone out there but it’s also feels good when I can help others through my words and writing. 

So yes, I’ll try my best to make my online presence worthwhile not just for leisure but for developing my entrepreneurship skill as well. If I am selected in this category, I’ll certainly use the exposure to promote something I put my heart & soul in like the online business I’m currently working on with my sisters and get myself ready to #DGWWWOW

Did I mention there are 8 different categories in Digi WWWOW Awards where you can nominate your family/friends and vote for them as well? Everything you can think of in social medias from Videos & Photography / Social Influencers / Independent Publishers / Web E-Commerce / Mobile E-Commerce / Social Media E-Commerce / Social Impact / Social Gathering awards are up for grabs!!! Let’s take a look at all the categories, shall we?


You can submit online film / video / shorties / photography that can say thousand of words or moved thousand of people in 3 minutes, something that make people go WWWOW and wonder.


If you’re active on social media platforms and have thousand of followers who you can influenced and believe in you, getting nominated as one will definitely be a great addition to your hall of fame.


Content creator or self publishing online journal? This is the awards for you. With past winner like Beautifulnara, bloggers and web creators will no longer be unsung hero and left unnoticed. Voted for your favorite or nominate those who you think deserved the title so their work will get recognized.


If you’re an online shopping addicts like me, you’ll know exactly which sites to root for in this category. Let’s celebrate the entrepreneur / owners of the online shops who make your life a little brighter with their wonderful products and services. 


If shopping through mobile application is your cup of tea, vote for your favorite easy and fuss free mobile app or nominate one! I know I can’t function without my mobile phone and retail theraphy so let’s vote for the one we can’t live without, okie!


Loving something you see in social media and wish it can go bigger and better? This is exactly the best platform for you, social media enthusiast all over Malaysia who believe in the power of social media and eager to show what you got to the rest of the world. 


Are you working on a project or a cause to support the less fortunate or maybe endangered animals? Help your organization raise the awareness and funds by submitting them for this award and make their social impact go from WHO??? to WWWOW!!!


Support the campaign and social movement you believe in by nominating them and voting. Let’s make this world and country a better place to live in and yes, we all can truly make a different.

So what are you waiting for? Start submitting your favorites today before the time is running out!!! The voting period for People’s Choice Awards will be going on from 19th - 30th October 2015, meanwhile the judges & selection session going to be from 13th October - 12th November 2015. Don’t forget to catch the winners on the Award Night itself this coming 20th November 2015. For more details, check out the youtube video above or visit Digi WWWOW Awards official website =) Until then, have a lovely week ahead lovelies, adieu~ 

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