Confess & Conceal...

I'm truly, deeply and madly in love with Benefit Cosmetics and to know that there are millions women out there who share the same addiction with me is quite fantastic actually, wink2

Anyway, I accidentally stumble upon another Bene-freaks, Jade Isabelle from Singapore while google-ing for Maggie & Annie Asia Tour last April. Surprisingly, we're share mutual love not only for Benefit, she's a big fan of Soap & Glory and Chanel too, coolness, isn't it? @_@ I've been her reader ever since and buying more and more Soap & Glory stuff because of her, heehee x)

It's time to confess and conceal =P
To celebrate her 26th birthday last month, she's doing a giveaway to all her international readers and the prize is non other than the Confessions of a Concealaholic kit from Benefit, yeay!!! @_@ I've been eye-ing it for quite sometime cause it's the ultimate solution for my full of flaws skin~ =_=

With 2 shades of Boing, That Gal, Erase Paste, Lemon Aid and Eye-bright, the 5 in 1 kit is definitely a must have and I wish I'm the lucky one who will walk away with this baby ^^ So girls, head over to Jade Isabelle blog and join the giveaway now before your time is running out, who know you might be lucky, wink2

p.s : I guess it's not too late to wish you a very very Happy Birthday, Jade!!! ^_^ Keep up the good work gurl, n_n

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