Guess Who's Back?...

I miss this girl so much

I have a great news for all of you makeup fanatics out there, our favorite girl will be back in town this March, yeay!!! @_@ Need I say more? Well, I kind of knew it weeks ago but keep it under wrap and waiting until someone confirmed the news before I can blog about it, hee~ Actually I found about it through Hello Malaysia magazine twitter and then I contact Sephora Malaysia for confirmation... So save up for more shopping spree soon babes, wink2

I'm so freaking excited already, can't hardly wait!!! I think you can probably figure out why by looking at the picture of my Stila collection few years ago, how fast time flies, sigh~ After Stila left us, I'm very2 devastated and turn my sight mostly on Benefit Cosmetics... But now, I can have the best of both world again, weeeeeeeeeee~ @_@

my precious Stila collection back in 2009 ^_^


  1. wohooo bestnyer!!! alaaa...i baru berazam aritu nk stop beli makeup at least until june. camne ni...xtahannn! btw u dh abs pakai ke sume stila dlm pic tu?

  2. Hahaha, x pe, beli ckit2 je, ^_^ yg dulu pun x terpakai, last2 bg my sis, my friends n my colleague sbb tkt expired, hee~

  3. tenkiu nida, I answered on behalf of my Stila boleh x? hihihi xD


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