[Giveaway] Fabulous 4...

Number 4 might be considered as bad luck in Chinese culture, however as my blog turning 4 this year, I can't help but feeling very2 lucky and blessed instead =) I dont have much but I have everything I need and I feel that it's only fair I share it with other people too =) This year I decide to do a very simple giveaway for my followers to celebrate it and will randomly choose the winner through a lucky draw...

What you have to do to be in the running for this giveaway? You only need to answer the question below correctly and leave your answer at the commant box with your name, follower ID and email addrees, easy peasy right? Here goes my question :-


(hint - it could be anything you can think of or you can search for it from my blog =P)

Send in your entry now before 11.59 pm, 31st December 2012 and you'll stand a chance to win a brand new M.A.C Make Me Over Collection - Evil Eye Palette LE from yours truly which I blogged about before here... Till then, enjoy your remaining days of 2012 and good luck girls!!! =)


  1. Hey, I should try this out since 4 is fave number! So here goes; 4 things you should know about Ayna are;
    1. She is a loyal bawal hijabs wearer
    (and rockin' em bawals)
    2. She collects eyeshadow palettes.
    3. She is a purple addict.
    4. Like the Kadarshians, she comes from a big family with many sisters to share her makeup stash with!

    .....seriously, just 4? Hahaa ok good night dear & happy 4th birthday to Ayna Jalal blog! =D

    1. Opps where are my details? :-P

      Name: Hanna
      Follower ID: Hanna H
      Email: madcapmurdoc[at]gmail[dot]com

  2. Hi Ayna. Just trying my luck and 4 things about you from my perspective are:

    1. Lace Lover - this is the first thing that struck my mind because I always remember your pretty lace shoes.

    2. Benefit Cosmetics Fan - your love towards cosmetic and beauty products is undeniable but Benefit is among your most fav ;-)

    3. The Acoustic Lady - one thing that people should know about you is your capability of playing guitar.

    4. High Heels Hipster - Ayna loves wearing high heels and that's a fact. Lol. *high five*

    Happy 4th birthday Ayna's blog!


  3. Name: Nicole Tan
    Follower ID: Nicole
    Email address: miley71(at)hotmail(dot)com

    4 things?? Here goes,just trying my luck if what i guess is true to what i said XD

    1. Benefit Cosmetics lover - I can see from your wishlist that you're a big fan of Benefit Cosmetics cause 3 out of 4 items on your wishlist is from Benefit Cosmetics ;)

    2. Purple maniac - I have a feeling that you love purple cause the MAC eyeshadow palette you're giving away is all in purple color :P

    3. Eyeshadow Palette lover - You love eyeshadow palettes cause you can be creative and mixing the colors according to your mood and even the people you're hanging out with (copy from your post,guilty) XD

    4. Bookaholics - Need i say more?? I just search 'books' on your blog and the results are like... OMG endless lols :O

    P/S: Happy 4th Anniversary aYna | aNya's blog :D ~

  4. Hi Ayna!!!

    Emmm.... Through all these years by reading her blog and her Instagram... I know she likes:

    1) Books!!! (Just like me =p)
    2) Play guitar (cool!!!)
    3) Benefit-holic!!!
    4) has really nice collection of heels!!!!

    Congrats on your blog baby turning 4!!! Looking forward for more!!

    Cheers and Happy New Year!!

  5. opss forgot to leave my details...

    Follower ID : GlamPink
    email : pinksarthsader@yahoo.com
    Name : Dalina


  6. Thank you girls for joining the giveaway, the result is in btw, thank you all again for your support!!! =)


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