Shooting Star with Samsung Galaxy Camera...

Here's the truth about me & gadgets; we didn't get along very well with each other,sigh~ It wasn't for lack of trying of course, somehow all the technical lingo always get lost in translation whenever I read the manual or attempt to do so... I'm pretty sure lots of girls out there can relate to my dilemma and that's probably the reason why Samsung invented their Galaxy Camera =)

super sleek design, fit for a chic city girl like me, muahaha =D

I'm way too lazy to edit my pics and usually leave it to Instagram to crop and enhance it, lol Well, I'm glad there is a new alternative for the-not-so-tech-savvy-me to shoot like a pro with Samsung Galaxy Camera!!! It's so easy to use, you don't even need the manual to master it, yeay~ Just like any other smartphone, you can browse through all the features with a touch and upload your pictures right away, fancy isn't it? ^_~

my fav games and apps all in my camera

I'm sure some of you out there never thought a hybrid version of tablet and camera is possible... Well, it never cross my mind either, that's probably because I'm among the rare breed of the technology illiterate species, lol Let's take a look at what other cool stuff this camera have to offer shall we, before I start writing about the story of my life, hehe xD 

- Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) OS
- 4.8 inches screen, multi-touch LCD screen
- Download apps through Google Play
- 16.3 megapixel
- 21x optical zoom
- 15 smart mode options
- 8GB internal storage
- Support Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth

I love taking photos but the whole uploading process is something that I rather skip if I were given a choice, it's time consuming and boring, sigh~ I'm so glad that Samsung come up with the idea to transfer photos directly from the camera to social media platform through Wi-Fi, 3G or Bluetooth... Finally, I can instantly upload my pictures without worrying about cables!!!

With Samsung Galaxy Camera, I don't have to bring my tablet or laptop everywhere I go, I can play games, edit photos, access Youtube videos, Google-ing all the info I want, Skype-ing with my love one and also Facebook-ing while on the go, weeee~ And yes, this camera make me feel like a pro, with the image clarity of 16.3 megapixels and up to 21x optical zoom, I can even start a stalking career (just kidding =P)

get smart with "Smart Mode"

What I love the most about this camera is the very smart "Smart Mode" =) You have tons of mode options to choose from in order to maximize your photography experience besides the existing "Auto Mode"... Since my skin is far cry from perfect, the 'Beauty Face' mode and me has become close friend =) Now I don't have to worry about my flaws while striking poses, weeee~ Another awesome feature that I have come to love is the 'Best Face' mode option, taking group photos never feel this fun!!! With 5 choices, everyone can look their best, no weird expression guaranteed, lol

I'm still learning by the way, so please excuse my very ameteur-ish photos, below are some of my fav captured moment with Samsung Galaxy Camera... I also used it for my previous Benefit post here and Elya Shazleen post here ^_^ Retail at RM1,899; it's a very convenient way to keep in touch with the digital world while you're out and about... Samsung Galaxy Camera also come in 4 colors variants (only 2 available in Malaysia - Blue Black and White) and take a very good quality video too, which you can upload straight away to Youtube!!!

- landscape mode -

- night mode -

- action freeze mode -

- macro mode -

The only downside of this camera that I can think of is it's quite difficult to take a decent self potrait photo of yourself, especially when you're only using one hand to do so... I wish it have stabilizer support of some sort for those who have slightly shaky hand like mine =( Other than that, I highly recommend it to everyone out there who're looking for a camera, a tablet or something in between, wink2 It's really (literally and figuratively) a shooting star indeed _

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