[Giveaway] Season of Giving...

It's been forever since my last giveaway I guess, and with my blog 3rd birthday approaching very soon, the timing couldn't be any less perfect for another giveaway, yeay!!! @_@ I had a very fantastic year so far, despite a little misfortune here and there, I can proudly say it now that it just make me stronger and wiser to face the coming trials and tribulations in life (I'm being dramatic again as usual, faint =_=)

Blogging is something I initially start to share the updates in my life with my bff for 14 years, Deya who live thousand miles apart from me =( It then slowly growing into a medium for me to express my feelings and thought... Soon, it developed into a platform for me to share my passion for cosmetic and books lovers out there... From there, I met lots of new friends, those who don't judge my obsession with cosmetics and people who don't mind sharing all the latest info and fabulous deals, hehe =P

I always dream of working as a crime journalist/detective or maybe a column writer in a hot shot magazine, but it looks like blogging is as close as I can get to my dream apparently T-T But fret not, I love it very much, I think it is healthy for me to rant and rave in my blog instead of boring others with my stories, hee~

Okay, back to the topic, I'll make it as easy and fair as I can, this giveaway is open to all my Malaysian blog followers, not that I have that many, so your chances to win is pretty high actually =)

What you have to do is quite simple, you just need to promote this blog giveaway at either your blog, facebook or twitter and leave the link with your follower ID and email address at the comment box below,easy right? The winner will be chosen based on your creativity, so impress me ya, ngee~ n_n You have until 12 am, 1st January 2012 to do so, wait no more girls, spread the words now before your time is running out @_@

The winner will walk away with....... drumrolls~ a brand new Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer SPF 20 in Nude worth RM159!!!!! Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer is the best of it's kind in the business and the beauty staple to lots of cosmetic junkie out there, you definitely don't want to miss out this one =)  If the response is good, I might consider throwing in additional prizes for the next 2 best entries so i wish you luck babes!!! Till then, may the best entry win ^_~


  1. Babe, just trying my luck with the giveaway hehehe
    anyways, i'm linking u to my blog k..i've decided to give blogging a try since i'm an expert at blog-hopping hehehe


  2. den try ye..

    1. http://sitifarra-farah.blogspot.com/2011/12/season-of-giving.html

    2. https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1266180973

    3. https://twitter.com/#!/SheIsFarah

  3. pls let me win! :P


    *pray hard*

  4. okay ni entry i kay ;)


    crossing fingers hehe

  5. :D shared on my fb.... hope more join!!!

  6. Hi Mizz Ayna!
    OK, I am going to promote it on my FB and twitter!
    Here are the links:

    FB: http://www.facebook.com/MrsNisaAbdul?ref=tn_tnmn#!/MrsNisaAbdul/posts/334682909876175
    Follower ID: Mrs K
    Email: khadijahabdulmalik@hotmail.com

    Thank You for doing a gorgeous giveaway!! All the best to everyone!

  7. Thank you girls for all your wonderful entries, the winner will be announce soon, stay tuned ya =)


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