Christmas definitely came early this year, very2 early in fact, I had seen a major cosmetic label launching their Christmas set as early as October to grab all the market share before other brands counter attack, very2 smart marketing indeed...
Christmas definitely the time all makeup lovers eagerly wait every single year n_n The wide arrays of gorgeous colors and designs definitely made us glee with excitement... And the arrival of Sephora in Malaysia early this year didn't help much either... I feel like the hole in my pocket is getting bigger and bigger, hehe =P
I did bought a few stuff already, which I'll reveal soon, wink2 I had no idea how much I spend until I re-calculated the total amount just now, faint~ =_= There are definitely lots of makeup palette that caught my attention this season, knowing my weakness for beautiful eye colors, I don't know how I can mustered all my willpower to resist the gorgeous eye candies... Let's take a sneak peak on my wish list, shall we?=)
1) Bobbi Brown Cool Party Eye palette (RM179)
It's the perfect combination for my favorite smoky eye looks, I do have similar palette actually, Benefit Smokin' Eyes which doing a pretty good job so far, but the compact and more purse friendly size palette from Bobbi Brown certainly has it's own appeal, but the price it's not that friendly obviously, sigh~
2) Too Faced In Your Dreams palette (RM135)
This is one heck of a gorgeous palette I must say, it came in a very unique fairytale books design, with 3 different looks that we can choose from, complete with blusher and lip gloss, it's pretty and the colors are quite pigmented, very2 worthy buy except for the size of course, it might be slim, but too big to fit in your handbag but perfect as a gift, I'm thinking hard now, mmmm~(",)
3) Laura Mercier Luxe Eyes & Color Portfolio palette (RM375)
Okay, this duo are pretty expensive for me, and I haven't check it out at their cosmetic counter yet, so I didn't know how to judge the quality... But the Color Portfolio (right) intrigued me more, since it came with blushes and liners... The brushes provided is a nice touch by the way... If they sell it a lot cheaper, I wouldn't want to miss this collection for sure, but the choice of colors here are pretty dull to me, it may works well with every skin color but doesn't make me excited to experiment with it, should I say goodbye then??? =_=
4) Hello Kitty Noir Collection (RM159)
I purposely tried this palette out of curiosity since the reviews online wasn't really speaking high of it and I'm surprised actually that it's not that bad... It's a must have for Hello Kitty die hard but price wise, I will go for Sephora Blockbuster palette anyday since it came with more colors to play with and more professional look case... Yes, the 25 eyeshadows and 10 glosses is not enough for me, wink2 The brushes provided here is so-so quality only, unless you're a fan, you might want to reconsider this one, =(
5) Kat Von D - Tattoo Chronicles Candelabra palette (RM159)
I tried this palette the other day at Sephora, my oh my, I'm very2 impressed, the 16 shades are very nice and pigmented... I believe as a tattoo artist, Kat knew what she's doing more than anyone, and the palette design and colors definitely tell it all... I can't help but loving it, and the coolest thing, it came with a mascara, an extra eyeliner will be nice too, hehe =P What do you guys think? ^^

u dh decide ke which one to buy? if dah beli sila tepek kat blog ye. nak cuci mata...hehe
ReplyDeletex smpt amek pics lg la cuna, tp stuff yg i beli mmg x de dlm list ni pun, terbeli benda laen lah pulak, hehe =P