Hunger Game with Soya Fitz...

Ramadhan to me is more than just a celebration of food. In this fasting month, I learn to be more patient, practice a healthier lifestyle and getting closer to the maker and my loved one. So yes, I try to think less about food and focus on more important stuff instead. Of course to last all day without consuming anything, I need a little something to give me the extra energy. Thanks to Only Beauty, I have Organic Soya Fitz & Go Fibre from A-Line to help me with that =)

Go Fibre basically is a dietary supplement based on USA formulation that used unique ingredients such as Aloe Vera and Green Tea extract, Orange Citronova, Citrus Aurantium (just to name a few) to improve your digestion system condition. I have a very sensitive stomach and eating the wrong kind of foods normally will end up with a bad case of diarrhea. I've been drinking it for couple of days now and thankfully I didn't experienced any stomach upset yet, yeay~ @_@

It's quite easy to prepare too. All you need is a glass of water (hot or cold) and a sachet of Go Fibre. Stir both components together and you'll get yourself a healthy drink in no time ^_^ This is however is not a food replacement, it's pretty much works like an additional booster to help you getting closer to a healthier you. Retail at RM85 per box of 15 sachets, you can take up to 2 sachets daily for optimum results.

Organic Soya Fitz on the other hand is a very good source of protein since it's very quick and easy to consume especially during Sahur time when most of us have little or less appetite. I love how full it make me feel, I only need a sachet of Organic Soya Fitz and dates to keep me from feeling hungry, cool isn't it? It taste good too, pretty much like the regular Soya drinks in the market but with a little hint of Pandan taste underneath, hee~

Curios about the ingredients? Well, there is Organic Soya Bean in the mixture of course besides Orange Peel Extract, White Kidney Bean, Green Tea and so much more. Priced at RM135 per box of 15 sachets, this supplementary drink is great for those on diet too. It indirectly make you eat less due to it's fulfilling elements, sweet~ I like to call myself a nutritional overachiever a.k.a eating whatever I please, but it's never too late to kickstart a healthier routine, right? Till then, Salam Ramadhan ladies & stay healthy, adieu~ ❤_

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