Calm and Comfort Your Little One with Minyak Bebe Anugerah

Don't get me wrong, I love my son with all my heart but honestly, he's not an easy room mate to live with during his early days... He cry all the time even after I feed him, bath him, change his diapers or even when I try to sooth him to sleep! I was a living zombie back then, a new mom who lack experience and knowledge and struggling to adapt and adjusting to my new life. I remember our frequent visits to the doctor and the answer that we got almost all the time is of course, "there's nothing wrong with your child, just a typical colic episodes" 

Refused to give up just yet, we seek alternative treatment from traditional baby masseuse practinioner recommended by my sister in law. Alhamdulillah, my son condition improved tremendously since then and he no longer cry that much anymore! According to her, my son had lots of trapped wind in his body which made him irritable and feeling discomfort most of the time. Besides teaching us the proper massage technique for infant, she also introduced us to Minyak Bebe Anugerah, a specially formulated ointment made for baby.

Created from a combination of herbs such as Eucalyptus Oil, Calamus and Peppermint Extract, Cymbopogon Nardus Oil, Galanga Oil, Kaffir Lime and Menthol; Minyak Bebe Anugerah calm and comforts your precious bundle of joy from stomach discomfort, bloated, wind and work wonders to prevent them from getting insects bites too. Not only that, it also gentle enough to be use as your little one massage oil and comes with a soothing and warming effects on the baby's skin. Easily absorbs and non greasy, this lightly fragrance oil scent is very relaxing and easy on the nose for adults as well. I always find myself reaching out for it everytime I need a little boost, perhaps because I always associate it with my son who  always knew how to perks up his mommy!

The packaging is very well thought of, made from plastic and perfectly safe for traveling, it's also comes with secured cap opening to prevents it from leaking and spilling. And yes, it can't clearly be seen from the picture above, Minyak Bebe Anugerah itself is in a light pink hue which is another plus point in my book. It have become such a permanent feature in life that I don't think I can manage without! Retail for only RM15.00 per bottle, you can purchase your Minyak Bebe Anugerah from their official site listed here or from their authorized dealers all over Malaysia. Until then, have a beautiful day with your loved one lovelies, adieu~


  1. memang worth it kalau beli minyak ni :) dah la banyak dapat pastu harga berpatutan paling best sebab mujarab <3

    1. Betul tu, one bottle can last forever, but I always stock up in case MIA, hehe =P

  2. tula budak kecik ni sng masuk angin badan dia. kalau tdk, mgkn sebab nama tak rasi kalau org tua2 dulu ckp heheh ~

    1. Kan??? Kene rajin urut & tungku kan baby, baru dia selesa & happy =) Nak tukar nama malas lah pulak, hihi xD


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