[Giveaway] Without You...

This post is obviously long overdue, I should have announce the winners of my blog giveaway yesterday but since my internet connection at home just love to acting up lately, I only got the chances to reveal the winners today~ I 'm having a hard time to choose the winners because I love all your entries so much, unfortunately I only got 3 mini lipglazes to giveaway =( So, without further ado, the winners are........... (drum roll please) :-

Nian Tse

Congratulation girls @_@ I'll email you asap and big thanks to everyone who have supported me all this while and participate in my humble giveaway, love you all, muahsss ^_~ Last but not least, I wanna share with you the stuff I can't live without... If you're hanging out with me all the time you probably knew the answer already, heehee =P It's an eyeliner, I'll practically feel naked without one and I bring mine everywhere... I even used it to answer my MCQ exam paper once when I forgot to bring my pencils, hahaha =D

my fav, Benefit BadGal Waterproof Eyeliner, it's almost finish T-T


  1. Ha? bia betul hehehe =) guna eyeliner jawab paper MCQ. hehe aina nie.. nape x pinjam kat org sebelah hehe ;)

  2. Yipppiee!!Thx ayna 4 choosing me as 1 of da lucky winner :) Btw congrats on ur 100th post n happy blogging dear ;)

  3. Thanks dear...

    love ya... cant wait for the lip gloss to try it :P

  4. asna : dah kelam kabut sgt sampai x terpikir nak tanye org dah, hehehe =P

    sherry : why you didn't join, sherry??? i'm waiting for ur entry for so long, hahahha =D

    cuna : welcome2, congaratulation again cuna!!! ^_^

    nian tse : can't wait to see ur doing ur angelina jolie lips pose with the lipglaze, wink2 n_n

  5. STELLAR WON! whoopeee!
    hugssss Ayna!!!

    OMG OMG a big thank you for hosting this giveaways!

    haha i cant live without my HUGE toiletries bag *boww

    yea! eyeliner is a must daily!

    hehe pendek betul the badgal eyeliner! good job don't waste it!

  6. stellar : congrats stellar, ^_^ i love my badgal it so much, i will use it until it's gone, hahhaha =D

    harim : better luck next time harim, i love ur entry tooo n_n

  7. ayna, apa yg best sgt pasal eyeline bad girl tuuu. nurul xberkesempatan nk try. mcm best jeee...

  8. besh3x, badgal ni mmg waterproof, seswai dgn i yg oily face, kalau u kt tgh panas pun x cair, texture pun creamy, sng nak apply and ade smudger kt hujung, tp agak mahal la utk eyeliner, 90 hengget lebih, huhu~


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