True Blue with Samsung...

Feeling blue? With Samsung, you have no reasons to =) From designing state of the art gadgets to plan a fabulous event, Samsung definitely know them all, wink2 If you haven't heard about it already, yours truly and almost hundred other bloggers were gathered in an exclusive get to know session with Samsung Malaysia couple of weeks ago by Manoah Consulting at The Pool, Jln Ampang.

We were greeted that day with friendly faces, pretty decoration and cool ambiance, perfect recipe for any party ^_^ Everything from the balloons, flowers, to the runway were beautifully put together in white and blue; in-sync with the Samsung corporate colors ❤_❤

Another awesome stuff about this party, the host thoughtfully prepared a gigantic photobooth for us to capture our wonderful moments with fellow bloggers and friends. I had so much fun fooling around and almost lost track of time playing with the machine. Very immature me, I know =P

Did I mention who's the MC that day? It's Linora Low from my favorite radio station, Red FM, yeay!!! She heated up the mood in lighting speed and making all the bloggers feeling good already before they even eat, hehe =P Soon after that, Don Chan on behalf of Manoah Consulting took over the stage and introduced us to the powerful people behind Samsung Malaysia team =) One of them is Mr Frankie, the social media genius who wowed us that day with videos of super creative Samsung campaigns from all over the world @_@

We were not only exposed to the ‘behind the scene’ people who make Samsung a household name here in Malaysia; we also learn a little thing or two about the brands, their idea, vision and not to forget their inspiration and motivation =) So basically yes, it’s a very educational party for me, wink2

There was also contest going on that night to highlight Samsung TecTiles application; another technology breakthrough which uses Samsung’s NFC (Near Field Communication) that can helps user changing setting on their phone, launching applications, checking in to places, updating social status or even making phone calls automatically just by tapping your phone to the TecTiles to perform the actions. Very impressive I must say!!!

A party won’t be called a party without friends to hanging out with right? I had great time catching up, chatting and even gossiping with my blogger friends that day =) The food was not that bad either, definitely worth waiting for, LOL Besides photobooth’s photos as momento, Samsung generously packed us with their limited edition speaker and USB bracelet to bring back home @_@ Thank you so much Samsung Malaysia and Manoah Consulting for having me, I really looking forward for more great things to come ❤_❤

p.s : photo credits to Don Chan & Isaac Tan =)


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