Smooth Delivery with Food Panda...

Do you ever crave for something from your favorite restaurant so so bad but stuck with tons of work at the office? Looking at your friends uploading delicious food they had on social medias doesn't help much either and dining out is not really an option considering the bad traffic, time constraint and of course the not so forgiving crowd during the peak hours! That is why, most of the time I choose to be hungry instead, sigh~ 

Now I don't have to worry about all that anymore, Food Panda can finally save me from my misery, weeeeeeee~ (only god know how dramatic I can be when I'm hungry, lol) Ordering food never feel this easy, I have more restaurants to choose from without having to go through lots of online banking procedures and the best thing is, I don't even need to move an inch! Sounds perfect for lazy people like me, wink2

All you need to do is firstly, download Food Panda mobile application (available for free at Apple Store and Google Play) and key in your location (country,city and district), find restaurant and meals that you fancy and fill up your personal information by creating an account with Food Panda. Personally, I prefer to use the mobile application since I never let my phone out of my sight but you can also call them or login to their website to browse the outlet nearby your area and select the menu that your heart desire

STEP 1 : 
Key in your location (country,city and district)

STEP 2 : 
Find restaurant and meals that you fancy

STEP 3 : 
Check your order

STEP 4 : 
Fill up your personal information

Since my office is located in the middle of KL's city, I'm definitely spoiled for choice =) I can pick from my favorite eating places such as O'Briens, Kenny Rogers Roasters, Chicken Rice Shop to Tony Roma's or even Starbucks! You can opt for Cash On Delivery (COD) payment method too and your food will be delivered within 60 minutes with minimal delivery charge. Feeling hungry? Check out Food Panda website or facebook page to learn more about their service. Until then, have a wonderful day lovelies, adieu~

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