Kiehl's-ing me softly...

I ♥ Kiehl's

I'm so tempted to try Kiehl's after I read other bloggers raves and crazes about the Kiehl's Ultimate White Surface Brightening Exfoliator. So, I drop by at their counter @ Isetan KLCC determine to find out more about the product. The SA, Joy was more than helpful to assist me and provide a very good information for someone who only knew Kiehl's because Brad Pitt used to be in their ads campaign, hehhee =P

Since my main concern is more on my skin flaws, she didn't recommended me to use the Surface Brightening Exfoliator, she advise me to use Epidermal Re-Texturizing Micro-Dermabrasion instead, which can help to improve my skin texture and clarity, fade discoloration, and marks on face. Besides that, it can also remove skin dulling dead cells, exfoliates plugged pores and help diminishing the appearance of facial lines.

I only tried it once and already felt that my skin are more lighter and smoother. Hopefully this can work miracle on my acne scars which disturbed me for years. The SA also gave me different types of cleanser and moisturizer samples to try at home and few shampoo samples for my sis too, very2 generous I must said compared to other brands that quite stingy with their samples, huh~ =_=

Anyway, the Kiehl's Isetan counter will have a promotion on Sept (I forgot to ask what kind of promotion they have) & I can't wait to check it out!!! @_@


  1. I got few sample of thiss... i try ,bagus kan??owhh btw, u igt tak brape price die?... i ada yg whitening exfoliator tu pun best..cuma slalu je oos kat Kiehls....huhuuu..

  2. daakjat : apakah kaitan??? hahahha ko stweng ka??? =P

    ms iu : i br try once tapi dah dpr rasa my skin soften ckit, hehehhe @_@ price dia dlm rm165 rasanye... u beli lah time promotion nanti, mane tau dpt diskaun, hehehhe =P nway,whitening exfoliator tu x seswai dgn my skin yg agak fragile ni,tp i teringin sgt nak cube, sob2 T-T

  3. owwh yekee...ade promotion lg ke? yg i taw aritu.. ade promotion in conjunction merdeka yg if we buy rm100 above...dpt rebet rm10...huhuhu...tingin nak beli tp rasa kene hbskan yg whitening exfoliator ni taktaw bila zaman nak abeh..LOL..

  4. SA tu yg bgtau i hrtu tp i lupe lak nak tanye details dia dear, hehhhe =P i pun x rasa my exfoliator akan hbs cepat, last2 nanti, bile dah boring mesti bg adik i je, hehhehe =P


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