Dress up & make up...

Yesterday, me & my sis, Tqah went for our very first makeover party,baby... =P I knew I'm a little bit over-age for this kind of thing, hehhhe =D But who cares, I deserved to indulge myself once in a while, rite? It was organized by 17 magz @ Dessert Bar, Solaris Mont Kiara... Which is so very hard to find~ The place is lovely but quite small to accommodate a large crowd... The food I guess suits me very well but Tqah doesn't really enjoying her meal for the very first time ever, hahhha =D (this is so very rare moment~ ^_^)

Dessert Bar @ Solaris Mont Kiara

My super fat lunch, hehhhe =P
The event started with our polaroid picture taken by 17 mag'z staff, all of them are very2 nice and sweet to us ^_^ Thanx guys !!! =P Next, we have decorating our own cupcakes session which make me & Tqah glee with excitement... ^_^ I'm always fond of cakes and to decorate them some more, make me go a little bit crazy, hahhha =P All the icing, sprinkles, glitters literally make us very2 sugar high, I'm lovin it so much!!! The event was hosted by lovely Xandria Ooi (she's so hilarious la... hehhhe =P)

Host of the day, Xandria Ooi... =P

I heart cupcakes ^_^

Icing on the cake???

The "masterpieces", hehhe... =P

After that, we have our makeup (Clinique), nails (Glitters) and hair (A Cut Above) done by the professionals... It's getting a little chaotic but definitely fun~ ^_^ Me and Tqah do our makeup first, followed by manicure and hair styling... Since I'm too lazy to touch up my tudung later, I decided to only do the makeup and nails... It's my loss actually because the stylists are so damn good, I can only watch other girls hair with my envy eyes, hehhhe =P

The Clinique makeup booth...

My not so obvious manicure... ^_^

Behind the scene of Tqah's Nicole Ritchie's hairdo, hehhe =P

Later, we were gathered again for some more games and the lucky draw... It must be my unlucky day because I didn't win anything la... I want the Sony Music stuff so bad~ sob2 =( Tqah however, get RM100 voucher from RipCurl, I'm jealous again, hahhha =P And the highlight of the day is the performance by Shila (One in a Million) with 3 songs... The sound system is quite loud and I can't properly enjoyed the show but I tell you what, this girl definitely can sing, hehhhe =P Maybe she need to work on her communication skills a little bit more~ And the party finally come to the end, Tqah took a few pictures of me with Xandria and we are ready to going back home... ^_^

Shila (One in a Million) with her Stacie Orrico's - Stuck cover...

It's me, posing with Xandria, hehhe =D

And not to forget all the freebies we bringing back home... Clinique 3 Steps Starter Kit, Clinique RM30 voucher, Clinique makeover coupon, A Cut Above & Glitters coupons, Croc's button, 17 magz merchandise and of course our polaroid pictures... Love it so much ^_^

More freebies for me, hehhhe =P


  1. OMG i so wanted to go.. but.. T_T i am over the age limit sob sob.... ayna so young ah?? below 24????

    i went to their 1st & 2nd workshop for 2 years. So sad this year they limit age.. T___T OMGG CUPCAKEE SO FUNNN I JELESS OF UUU NOWWW... ISH ISH ISH I WAN GOOOOOOO NOT FAIIIRR..

  2. Hehhe, no lah Miu2, I'm old already... sob2 T_T I'm using my sister details instead, but they never ask for ID... Hehehhe =P

    U also can la girl, U look younger than your age la... You ponytail your hair and everybody will think your are still in high school, hehhe ^_^

  3. T_T oh i actually did register but once i found out I was over the age limit, i didn't dare show up in case they halau me out.

    Xandria knows how old I am T_T even that Clinique Beautican Alex. Sure kena halau terus T___T

    i wish i could go.. it looks so much fun.. WHYYYY dun we have something like this also for over 17 years old??? (over 24 also pls)

  4. Hehhe, I also afraid they will halau me if my secret is out but I play dumb je la, hahha =P Waa, Xandria is your friends? She soo down to earth and sweet unlike other famous people... Love her attitude!! ^_^

    It will be soo much nicer if women from all ages can participate, I hate being the oldest one there... Why Stila never have makeover party like this? It'll be soo much fun~


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