Aishiteru, Stila...

I'm so busy these few days, 2 of my assignments are due in next week and I haven't start doing anything yet... =( In fact, I spend my weekends with doing chores, my not so hot date~ (2 consecutive days with 2 different guys, hehhhe =P), and also my part time class... I missed the Stila workshop @ KLCC (T_T sob2) and girls movies out with Miu2... So sad la~ 

But because I heart Stila, I went to Jusco MidValley today after my class hopefully to get the Japanese magz, Steady which feature Stila on their January issue... (with free Stila Pouch & stickers ^_^) Too bad, they don't sell it there anymore~ =.= The magz is currently sold out at Kinokuniya too!!! (according to the staff) I'm totally devastated and disheartened~ Anyone knew other places that sell Japanese magz ???

The cover girl is Ryoko Hirosue~ so kawaii !!! ^_^


  1. i dun believe kinokuniya sold out! i will go see if i can! u know lah sometimes they duno what they r talkin about wan :(

  2. I think so too, the staff isn't much help...thankq for the thought, Miu2!!! It's so nice of u ^_^ Arigato Miu2, hehhe =P


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