Why people can be sooo damn forgetful? Do you really thought other people won't treat you the same way as well? This goes to all my used to be "close friends" too, who seem to forgot who really stood by them all these years... To both of them, I don't need your selfishness lurking in my life, just consider we never really friends from the very start because friends will not forgot their friends... My only consolation these days is when I'm at my workplace, where I can forget all my troubles and try to be happy for 8 hours... Compared to my bff, I'm sure she's having a hell lot worst problem than me... I felt so sad that I can't really help her out in her most excruciating time... I wish her brother will have a super speedy recovery from dengue soon, amin~ My only highlight of the week is my Japanese drama marathon this weekend... Can't wait to complete watching the series... ^_^
Btw, I accidently watch 8tv last night, they have movie night or something that showing a very pro-jewish movie called Everything is Illuminated... Fyi, Israel is the only Jewish state in the world, so I don't get it what the hell is 8tv trying to pull in the heat of Gaza crisis showing movie like that... The movie more or less want us to sympatatize with the Jews that have been victims of the Nazi in the Holocaust tragedy... Are you kidding me? They of all people should understand the pain they inflict to the innocence people in Gaza... Or they want to become like the Nazi themselves, I'm not that surprise...
To 8tv, please be more sensitive next time, this is not a laughing matter... More than 1,000 peoples dies (most of them are children), hospitals + schools + houses are severely damaged, all the channel for medical and food supplies are blocked for their usage, and the number of traumatic children growing each and every day... Only someone with a very2 dark and black soul can do monstrous act like that... To all the heartless Israelis, how can you guys sleep at night? Do you really think you can get rid of the Palestine people that easily? I beg to differ, I believe all the survivors are more than determine to prove them wrong... What doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger...
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