Okey, back to the topic, since I can be so damn lazy sometimes with nothing else to do, me and my bro, Boy invented a little game of our own... I named it "Do your worst" game... It's simple, just try to translate the Malay phrases in the worst way possible... hehhe =D It's so funny, u guys should try it sometimes, hahhha ^_^ Below are some of the questions that I can remember, forget the rest already =P
1) Kelapa Parut
Me : Shredded coconut
Boy : Coconut scars
Winner = Boy (his answer is funnier, hehhhe =P)
2) Pulau Pandan jauh ke tengah
Me : Pandan island far in the middle
Boy : Pandan island at the centre too far
Winner = Me (because I'm good? lol =P)
3) Luka lama berdarah kembali
Me : Old wound bleeding again
Boy : Old injury period again
Winner = Boy (i didn't even think of that, hahhha =P)
4) 2,3, kucing berlari, mana nak sama si kucing belang
Me : 2,3 cat run run, cannot beat stripes cat
Boy : 2,3 cat running, not the same with cat stripes
Winner = no winner because we got almost the same answer (he copy my answer!!! =P)
5) Pisang emas di bawa belayar
Me : Golden banana go sailing
Boy : Golden banana bring when sailing
Winner = no winner also, we got almost the same answer =D
6) Hancur budi dikandung tanah
Me : Destroyed deeds contain soil
Boy : Scrambled deeds pregnant sand
Winner = Boy of course, his answer is quite hillarious, hehhe ^_^
So the winner goes to,(drum rolls) clap3x BOY !!!! T_T sob2 I didn't win... But he deserved it la since his english is so much worst than me, hahahha =P Next time I'll make sure I win, ^_^ Gambate ayna!!!
ReplyDeletei suke yg "2,3 cat run run, cannot beat stripes cat". funny la u!
i pun slalu kena translate from BM to English and vise versa. no easy task i tell u!
btw,im dee, miu's fren. saw tat u went parfum shopping with her. jealous! xdpt pergi coz working *sad*
Pening gak kepala nak translate tu, hehhhe =P Mcm ne agaknye nak wat malay lit translation... Mmg koma dibuatnye, hahhha =D
ReplyDeleteNvm, next time shopping with u also, girl... ^_^ Lots and lots of warehouse sales to come... Kene cari sugar daddy la I mcm ni, hehhhe =P
ReplyDeletehow about the computer IT translation?
joystick = kayu gembira!!!
HAHAHHAHAHAH thiso ne alwiz crack me up also..kakakakkakaa......
shh shh got any guys here? no right? hehehehe
omg dee also baca sampai sinika???
hehhhe, noty2 Miu ^_^ this one kind of weird also;
ReplyDeletelipstick = bibir kayu
peep toe heel = mengintai jari kaki tumit
I so don't get it, hahhha =D
kah kah kah... pecah perut baca ni...
ReplyDeleteanother one;
ReplyDeletekera di hutan disusukan , anak dirumah dibiar kelaparan =
monkey in jungle get breastfeeding, children at home left starving...
hehhhe =P
clorox otak kuningmu itu, heheheh =P