It's your birthday...

Today is my youngest sis, Syiqin 9th birthday and besides the absence of my other sis, Kak Zura and my bro, Atab I think we all had a blast... Usually my family will eating out on birthdays but today, we just gathered and have a quiet dinner together at home... It's been a while since all of us together at the same time... So, this is something that I really looking forward... And Boy even cooked for us, hehhhe =D We had kueh tiaw goreng, my fav ^_^ And being Boy, of course we are forced to puji his cooking skills before we can eat them, hehhe =D

For the birthday girl, we get her a special powerpuff girls cupcakes!!! I heart powerpuff girls and so do all my sis!!! GIRL POWER~ ^_^ I want to surprise her with the cupcakes but kantoi already by my mum and Tqah, hehhhe =P They are so hopeless with secrets =.= Nvm, we have fun and was entertained by Boy's lame jokes, hehhhe =P To Syiqin, Kina wish you the very best, happiness & health and may all your dreams comes true...

Happy Birthday, girl !!! ^_^


  1. Hi Ayna, does Syiqin likes the cupcakes? Any comment given by anyone?

    HAppY belated BRITHDAY SyIqIN!!!

  2. She love it very much!!! The powerpuff is so kawaiiii ^_^ I ate like 4 cupcakes (or more???) Hehhhe...

  3. glad to hear that & hey.. you bought so many lovely stuff from the Metrojaya sales *jealous*... I hope can go get the cute Jpg minature set :(

  4. Heheehhe, I'm under strict budget rite now, can't go overboard like Miu & Tubbies, T_T sob2 Btw, I think Miu still hv the Jpg la... The bottle is so nice but I don't really like the smell~ The Burberry & CK have nicer scents...


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